Great Quotes in Neuroscience

Leslie E. Packer, PhD lpacker at nyc.pipeline.com
Tue May 21 18:24:34 EST 1996

On May 20, 1996 23:20:57 in article <Great Quotes in Neuroscience>,
'jwoodson at ucla.edu (James Woodson)' wrote: 
>Hello all, 
>I'm in the process of compiling a collection of great 
>quotes in Psychology, Neuroscience, etc., and hope that you can help me 
>out.  If you have a favorite quote, no matter how obscure, contextual, or 
>absurd it may be, please email me (with appropriate source reference of 
>course, credit where credit is due...) Many thanks, my students love this 
>stuff.  James Woodson 
>James Woodson (jwoodson at ucla.edu) 
>Dept. of Psychology - Behavioral Neuroscience 
>University of California at Los Angeles 
>405 Hilgard Ave. 
>Los Angeles, CA 90095 
I don't know how to verify this one, but I was told that it was Harry
Harlow who in an invited address at a conference, supposedly said: 
"Science is that process by which men come to understand what women have
always known." 
Leslie E. Packer, PhD

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