Great Quotes in Neuroscience

Simon Schultz schultz at axp01.mrc-bbc.ox.ac.uk
Wed May 22 03:26:15 EST 1996

Here's another good one:

"When the weather is myelde and calme, and the Countrey temperate, I 
myslike not (as touchinge healthynesse of body) shavingeg of the crowne 
of the head. For thereby grosse vapours which hurt the Memory have more 
scope and liberty to evaporate and fume out."
						Levitus Lemnius (1561)

Lemnius, L. 1561, The touchstone of complexions. Translated R. Hunter & 
I. Macalpine, eds, 1963, Three Hundred Years of Psychiatry: 1535-1860, 
Oxford University Press, Oxford.

                          Simon R. Schultz                       
Department of Experimental Psychology                             also:
University of Oxford                             Corpus Christi College
South Parks Rd., Oxford OX1 3UD                          Oxford OX1 4JF
Phone: +44-1865-271419  Fax: +44-1865-310447 Home: 66119

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