[I post the following request on behalf of a friend of mine and
the neurologist who attends her. This probably looks like an
unusual case. I am not a physician. But I seem to understand
that, although the injuries described below usually force the
patient on a wheelchair, this did not - luckily - happen to my
Any help, comment or opinion will be highly appreciated,
particularly references to other relevant resources on the net -
e.g. Web sites, mailing lists, etc. I will gladly take care of
forwarding to my friend and her physician any message or
information posted to this group or directly sent to me. Thanks,
Paolo Amoroso]
1st Department of Rehabilitative Medicine - Milan, Italy (Head:
Dr. Mario Raineri, MD.)
The patient
Gender: female
Age: 32
Accident dated:
February 11, 1987
She had:
* head contusion
* cervical distortion and contusion
* lumbo-sacral contusion
* headache
* difficulties in spacial perception
* difficulties in musical perception
* dizziness and malaise
* paraesthesia to hands, difficulties in closing the hand to
fist, paraesthesia to trunk, especially to back inferior and
lumbar region
* asthenia, especially to left limbs and hypocinesia
* fatigue when walking, pyrotic sensation and pain in
lumbo-sacral region spreading back to lower limbs, especially on
the left
* areflessic neurological bladder needing bladder voiding by
means of external pression
HEAD ASPECT: cortical area - mild hypo perfusion of right
temporal area; subtentorial area: mild hypo perfusion of right
URODYNAMIC EX.: areflexic bladder
SACRAL EVOKED POTENTIALS: bilaterally absent. Probable lesion of
2nd motoneuron confirming the bladder situation
ELECTROMYOGRAPHY: radicular peripheral neurological sufferance in
lower limbs at L4-L5-S1 with a maximum on the left
NEUROLOGICAL EX.: hypoestesia in left radial area, in left
perineal area, in vulvar region and at the top of left tight,
especially medially. Mild Lasegue on the left.
* Relation between contusions and Herpes Zoster
* Relation between head contusion and difficulties in spacial and
musical perception on the ground of vascular disturbances
exhibited in right brain by ASPECT.
Paolo Amoroso <amoroso at mclink.it>