WARNING: Dendritic Spreading

Jared Blackburn blackjar at planetc.com
Wed May 22 01:57:22 EST 1996

Paul Bush wrote:
> In article <Pine.SUN.3.91.960519185748.8687H-100000 at garcia.efn.org>, Support Coalition - David Oaks <dendron at efn.org> writes:
> |> 1. Forcing neuroleptic drugs is common, both inside institutions
> |> and on an outpatient basis, in the USA and internationally.
> |>
> |> 2. Long-term administration of these drugs (Prolixin, Haldol, etc.)
> |> can cause deleterious brain changes which can be seen from
> |> post-mortem and animal studies, by neuroscientists.
> What are you suggesting we should replace neuroleptic treatment with?
> Should we go back to forced ice water immersions and strapping people to 
> their beds? Or should we just leave schizophrenics untreated?

In most cases, NOTHING!  
> What exactly is 'dendritic spreading'? Do you know the meaning or 
> significance of this phrase? Or is it a recently invented 'scare phrase'?

The spreading of the message an dinfluence of an anti-psychiatric 
organization called "Dendron."

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