>> Dear ladis and gentlemen!
> A friend of me has epilepsy, probably caused by Dioxin, to which he was
> exposed some years ago at his working place. He can only get some money,
> if he can tell the court, why the Dioxines are still in his body, and how
> they
> are causing neurological problems. He has already asked several
> neurologists,
> but they aren't sure enough for saying anything to the court.
> Yours Sinceirly,
> Uta Glatzle,
>>> \\\\/// Uta Glatzle, Marburg, Germany ~~
> } @ @ { ~~
> * ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
> \===/ glatzleu at informatik.uni-marburg.de ~~
> ~~
> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
> Uta, The first step for your friend is to find a doctor that is involved in
> environmental medicine &/or toxicology. My son has been exposed to workplace
> chemicals and we recently had a 2 hr phone conference for a pre-hearing. My
> son's physician had no problem explaining in layman's terms why the toxins
> remain in the body.