WARNING: Dendritic Spreading

Rogue 007 rogue007 at ix.netcom.com
Wed May 22 17:38:21 EST 1996

Responding to Support Coalition - David Oaks <dendron at efn.org>, 
paul at phy.ucsf.edu (Paul Bush) wrote:

>What are you suggesting we should replace neuroleptic treatment with?
>Should we go back to forced ice water immersions and strapping people to their 
>beds? Or should we just leave schizophrenics untreated?

He mentioned a bunch of alternative therapies in another Usenet
newsgroup, sci.med.psychobiolgy (and others if cross- posted), and I
agree none of them could be harmful in and of themselves.  But  I
opine any and all of them can be even *more* effective when used in
conjunction with competently- administered psychopharmacology.  I will
leave it for him to repeat those alternatives on this more relevant
list when and if he so chooses.  As they are for the most part
psychosocial modalities, I'm not sure they are actually on topic here,
although the one he is consistently the most vague about is
*nutrition*; on that  he has provided no information.  Nutrition would
certainly be on topic here.

Despite Dendron Oaks' claim he provided evidence NAILING DOWN his
thesis, I think his long tirade in response to my continued requests
for him to provide specifics caused him to work himself up a tad.  I
would hope in future posts to this list he is more calmed down with
respect to opposing viewpoints.  I understand why his posts take the
form of someone who snubs the conventional status quo, but that kind
of behavior only works well when staged where it would stand out as
being unique.  Unsubstantiated ranting with a lot of SHOUTING is not
exactly unique behavior on the Internet, especially Usenet, to which
this list is gated.  I hope Dendron Oaks is paying attention to this
post because he most likely has some points to make and I wouldn't
want his contributions killfiled by everyone due to, for example, his
Betty Martini- like subject lines.

>What exactly is 'dendritic spreading'? Do you know the meaning or significance
>of this phrase? Or is it a recently invented 'scare phrase'?

I've asked Dendron Oaks that repeatedly.  I think he's rehearsing his
``talking points'' to see if he can come up with a response to each
new challenge, the way a salesman redirects an objection.  So far he
hasn't responded in any meaningful way to questions about that part of
his argument.  But man, can that dude YELL.  I think it might be the
brain adjusting itself to long- term neurotransmitter administration
by growing, in this case, new dopamine receptors.  I don't see why
Dendron Oaks doesn't just say that straight out.  If true, it would,
among other things, be more evidence for acceptance of the dopamine
model of mental illness.

>Schizophrenia is due to a brain 'change'. Your thoughts are due to brain
>'changes'. Do you acknowledge your thoughts as potential problems?

His thought- processes are far less problematic than the real problem.
The *real* problem is: society needs to realize there is no more
reason to fear or loathe a diagnosis of mental illness than one of
arthritis, and to accelerate the availability of correct, current
medical treatment to all mentally ill individuals, without fear of
losing the ability to become employed at the most productive level
they choose, without fear of being denied acceptance to any academic
institution they qualify for, and without fear of becoming socially
outcast for no other reason than seeking medical treatment for a
genetic disease.  Can any neuroscientist authoritatively claim
Legislate the in$urance indu$try out of the business of preventing 
medical care. Bean-counters have a DNR order with *your* name on it.

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