Jim Lagopoulos maniek at ozemail.com.au
Tue May 21 01:37:44 EST 1996

For a Whole Brain Modelling Project  I would like to have information on the the time-actions of 
neurotransmitters. Any suggestions, references e.d. would be appreciated. 

Please send replies to EGORDON at EXTRO.UCC.SU.OZ.AU,
Many Thanks
Marijtje Jongsma
Cognitive Neuroscience Unit.
-------------- next part --------------


Newsgroup: bionet.neuroscience

   * Re: receptors on COS cell membrane - Michael Szardenings (35)
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        o Kevin Spencer (14)
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   * (none) - Sheila Evans (14)
   * >>Grass 18 channel EEG for sale<< - Gilbert T. Groehn (39)
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   * YOUR HELP REQUIRED : Perception of Numbers - PRM (36)
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        o Uta Glatzle (20)
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   * Re: Myelin like a wound capacitor - G K GRAY (55)
   * Dioxin and Epilepsy????? - Gary W Miller (17)
   * Course Announcement: Unbiased Stereology in Neural Systems - Peter
     Mouton (54)
   * Help ! After effects Tetanus (muscle cramps). - Henk Linde (22)
   * ataxia telangiectasia gene - Alexander P Rostovtsev (3)
   * Re: WARNING! Aspartame (Nutrasweet) in Kid's Vitamins. - Betty Martini
        o "P. Edwards" (58)
   * Myelin capacitance measurement - Administrador del Nodo (106)
        o G K GRAY (160)
   * Help on Cronic Inflamatory Poly-Neuropathy - LUIS SILVA (70)
   * Neurolucida and fluorescent tracers - Marcello Rosa (11)
   * symposium Hamburg - vers (1)
   * percent weight of brain structures - Dr. Ricardo A. Molinar (12)
   * Meeting in Brussels - Alexandre Bonnin (140)
   * Meeting in Brussels 15,16 June 1996 - Alexandre BONNIN (214)
   * Distal Cronic Inflamatory Poly-neuropathy - LUIS SILVA (26)
   * Eicosanoids in Pineal or Habenula - Howard R. Olson (9)
        o The Leukotomist (42)
   * Myelin capacitance measurement - Administrador del Nodo (34)
   * WARNING: Dendritic Spreading - Support Coalition - David Oaks (46)
        o Rogue 007 (63)
        o Paul Bush (27)
   * Lubar Speaks on EEB Biofb for ADD and LD - Brian Thiel/Lois Henry-Thiel
   * Lubar Workshop on EEG Biofb - ADD & LD - Brian Thiel/Lois Henry-Thiel
   * Sir Charles S. Sherrington query - Armando Menicacci (13)
        o kevin (48)
   * only5$.txt (1/1) - R1 at whynet.com (271)


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