On 20 May 1996, James Woodson wrote:
> Hello all,
> I'm in the process of compiling a collection of great
> quotes in Psychology, Neuroscience, etc., and hope that you can help me
> out. If you have a favorite quote, no matter how obscure, contextual, or
> absurd it may be, please email me (with appropriate source reference of
> course, credit where credit is due...) Many thanks, my students love this
> stuff. James Woodson
>> James Woodson (jwoodson at ucla.edu)
> Dept. of Psychology - Behavioral Neuroscience
> University of California at Los Angeles
> 405 Hilgard Ave.
> Los Angeles, CA 90095
{\em ``Every physiological teaching on the working of the brain based on
localisation, no matter how excellent, leaves us ignorant about the
mechanism of mental activity. These actions are certainly accompanied by
molecular modifications in nerve cells and preceded by complex changes in
the relationship between neurones. To understand mental activity it is
necessary to understand these molecular modifications and changes in
neuronal relationships. One must know, of course, the complete and exact
histology of cerebral centres and their tracts. But that is not enough; it
will be necessary to know the energetic transformations which accompany
perception and thought, consciousness and emotion.''}
@book{Cajal1911, author="S. {{Ram\'on} y Cajal}", year=1911,
title="Histologie du {syst\'eme} nerveux de l'homme et des
{vert\'ebr\'es}", publisher="A. Maloine", address="Paris", }
Simon R. Schultz
Department of Experimental Psychology also:
University of Oxford Corpus Christi College
South Parks Rd., Oxford OX1 3UD Oxford OX1 4JF
Phone: +44-1865-271419 Fax: +44-1865-310447 Home: 66119