Participants are needed for a neuropsychology research project
conducted via the Internet. The Online Neuropsychology Project is a
survey intended for all Internet users regardless of age, location,
race, education, or injury status. General background questions, as
well as questions centering around autonomic nervous system activity
and head injury symptom report will be asked. Participant survey
responses are anonymous, and you are free to discontinue the survey at
any time. Total survey completion time is about 10-15 minutes.
All participants completing the survey will receive a special gift.
Online Neuropsychology Project can be accessed via the world wide web
at either of the two following addresses:
Thanks for your participation,
Jeff & Rick
Jeffrey N. Browndyke
Ph.D. Candidate in Medical/Clinical Psychology
Louisiana State University Email: cogito at
Department of Psychology Fax: (504) 388-4125
236 Audubon Hall URL:
Baton Rouge, LA. 70803
Neuropsychology Central -
Psycresearch-online Mailgroup - psycresearch-online at
Rick Torzynski
Ph.D. Candidate in Quantitative/Methodology Psychology
University of New Mexico
rtorzyns at unm.edurtweb at nmia.com