Australian Behavioural Neuroscience Register

rpsaf at pitvax.xx.edu.au rpsaf at pitvax.xx.edu.au
Mon May 20 23:19:50 EST 1996

Dear Colleague,

I am writing to inform you of the inauguration of a register of Australian
scientists performing research in the field of Behavioural Neuroscience /
Psychobiology / Physiological Psychology.  It seems to be a reasonably
common experience that, not only is there no Australian forum specifically
for the communication of results in these areas, but that Australian
Behavioural Neuroscientists are (presumably not by choice) a somewhat
anonymous group of individuals !  The purpose of the register is,
basically, to put people with similar research interests in contact with
eachother, and hopefully to facilitate collaborative 'networking' amongst
Australian Behavioural Neuroscientists.  If you know 'who's out there',
you will at least have a starting point for communication.

If you would like to be listed on the register, please fill out the pro
forma below and Email it back to me AS PART OF AN EMAIL MESSAGE (ie. not
as an attachment).  Alternately, if you don't have access to Email, fax or
snail-mail it to me (or ask a friend to Email it for you).

Anyone performing research into brain-behaviour relationships using animal
or human models is invited to respond (including graduate students).  This
request for contributions is being forwarded to all Australian Departments
of Psychology, Physiology, Biological Science, Zoology and Medicine
(university and hospital-based); and anywhere else Behavioural
Neuroscientists might be hiding.  If you have any suggestions, please let
me know.  If you know of anyone else who might be interested in being
listed on the register, please forward this Email on to them, or post it
in a prominent place.


The register will be available either as an emailed document and/or it
will be placed on the Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology (Psychology
Department) Web page for perusal and down-loading.  I would prefer not to
have to produce hard copies, since I don't have a budget for this (!);
however, exceptions will be made.  All respondents will be informed when
the register is available.

We all look forward to hearing from eachother !

Dr. Andrew Francis
Department of Psychology and IDS,
Faculty of Applied Science,
Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology,
Bundoora Campus,
PO Box 71,
Bundoora, Victoria, 3083.
Ph. (03) 9353-9386
Fx. (03) 9350-2303
Email : a.francis at rmit.edu.au


1. Name
Surname - 
Given names -
Title - 

2. Affiliation
Department - 
Faculty -
Institution - 
Telephone # - 
Facsimile # -
Email address - 

3. Research interests (a few lines preferable; no more than half an A4 page)

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