Speaking the Unspoken

Marcus 73370.2242 at CompuServe.COM
Mon May 20 11:42:45 EST 1996

>Does anyone else feel the same as I do, that the science 
>orientation of this newsgroup would be better preserved if it 
>was moderated?  Another newsgroup, perhaps 
>"alt.neuroscience.speculative" could be created for postings 
>such as this.  It seems to me that in recent months the 
>signal-to-noise ratio of this group has declined.  Or maybe it's 
>just that Ihaven't had my coffee yet today. :)


Usenet groups should not have to be moderated.  Ignore him, he'll 
go away ;)

There are no differences but differences of degree between 
different degrees of difference and no difference at all.  
William James, under nitrous oxide;  1882

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