Eicosanoids in Pineal or Habenula

The Leukotomist np07la at mail.telepac.pt
Mon May 20 07:31:56 EST 1996

hrolson at nexus.chapman.edu (Howard R. Olson) wrote:

>       Is there any information available in refereed journals about 
>eicosanoids (especially arachidoylethanolamide or "anadamide") in the 
>pineal gland or habenular region surrounding it? There has been a 
>suggestion that there are anandanergic neurons in the CNS (by Axelrod ,no 
>less). Anandamide is a putative natural cannabinoid ligand in the human 

You may try:

Herkenhamer M et al: Cannabinoid receptor localization in brain. Proc
Natl Acad Sci USA 1990; 87: 1932.

Smith PB: The pharmacological activity of anandamide, a putative
endogenous cannabinoid. J Pharm Exp Ther 1994; 270: 219.

Bidaut-Russell M, Devane WA, Howlett AC: Cannabinoid receptors and
modulation of cyclic AMP accumulation in the rat brain. J Neurochem
1990; 55: 21.

Devane WA, et al: Isolation and structure of a brain constituent that
binds to the cannabinoid receptor. Science 1992; 258: 1946.

>                      Thanks in advance
>                                       Howard Olson,MA

You're welcome!


*      Sergio Miguel Cardoso	 *				*
*           Medical student 		 *	"Human  Beings Are	*
*        Faculty of Medicine          	 *	        Machines"		*
*        University of Lisbon              *				*
*	     Portugal		 *	- Offroy de La Mettrie	*
*                                     		 *	      (1709-1751)		*
* (e-mail: np07la at mail.telepac.pt)  *				*

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