Distal Cronic Inflamatory Poly-neuropathy

LUIS SILVA etlsilva at zeus.ci.ua.pt
Sun May 19 17:28:22 EST 1996

	I have recently posted an article about my situation in order
to obtain more info about the disease I have, but not much was sent to
	Would nybody could tell me anymore about this disease? If so,
I would appreciate the answers to be mailed to me!

		Distal Cronic Inflamatory Poly-neuropathy.

	Thanks to all!

	With no more,
	Luis Silva
VagCity   ...nas Dunas   ...com uma morena! 

Luis Alexandre Martins da Silva             
etlsilva at zeus.ci.ua.pt                      
Eng. Electronica e de Telecomunicacoes      
Universidade de Aveiro, Portugal                      

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