Hi everybody!
I just recently join this newsgroup, and I though maybe here
someone can give me more info on this illness I have. I was told that
the illness goes by the name of Distal Cronic Inflamatory
I have been fighting this disease since last summer. As far
as I was told it was provoked by a virus, which I do not know which
one is it (since the doctors did not tell me), and where I caught it,
because I moved from Canada to Portugal around he same time I started
to feel the symptoms. Anyways, I went to the hospital here and they
did tests on me such as X-rays, electromiograms, cat scan, blood
analysis, and analysis to the spinal fluid. As far as they told me,
the spinal fluid only had a minor discrepancy on the proteins (nothing
to worry about), the blood analysis and cat scan were fine.
The parts of the body where it hit me where the extremities,
namely the hands and feet, when it went from sub-acute to cronic, then
it affected as well the legs.
The treatment done by the doctors was at first of hemogloblin,
which paused the agravation of the illness for about 2 to 3 weeks, and
then it carried on. Since it did not result, I went back to the
hospital, where I started "plasmaferese" (which is removing of the
plasma in the blood and replace it with a solution). As well with this
treatment, they medicated me on "Lepicortinolo" which by the
description says it's an alcool of Prednisolona made by "Marion Merrell
Dow". On this medication I started to take 60 mg daily, and I'm now
on the withdraw procedure taking 50 mg and 10 mg, alternating daily.
On June 1st, I'll start to take 50mg and 0 mg, alternating daily.
With all this, I still don't have full sensitivity on my legs,
and the sensitivity I have is weird, it's a painfull feeling of
stinging and burning. As for my feet, they hurt like I have just
finished a marathon. From time to time I also get cramps. I have felt
better before (around the time I was doing "plasmaferese", which now
is over).
I'm just afraid that the illness is coughting up again, and
surely, I do not want to go trough it again, because not to long ago,
due to wrong medication given by the pharmacy I lost all the stregh
on my left leg, which is now recovered, but still I went trough
unnecessary pain!
I would like anybody to let me know more about this particular
illness and as well give more of an insight on treatments, procedures,
future complications (if there's any), how the illness acts/works, or
anything related to it. I would also appreciate comments on my
particular story (medically and serious!). I have tried to research
this illness on my own, but what I have found so far as been to vague,
and it's seems (since it's not that big of an illness) that there's not
much available out there! One of the reasons I would like more info
is that I chose to treat the illness opposed to go to Canada end treat
it there (due to school). With the symptoms I still have, there's
still a buz in my head about getting a second opinion in Canada,
except I do not have any material in which I can base my decision!
I would like to say thanks in advance to all those who will
take time to answer. I would appreciate if answers could be send to
me instead of being posted.
With no more,
Luis Silva
VagCity ...nas Dunas ...com uma morena!
Luis Alexandre Martins da Silva
etlsilva at zeus.ci.ua.pt
Eng. Electronica e de Telecomunicacoes
Universidade de Aveiro, Portugal