YOUR HELP REQUIRED : Perception of Numbers

David Gibbs pay at Eng.Sun.COM
Fri May 17 20:25:05 EST 1996

I am not sure if I have the right group, if not please feel free to direct me.
Please direct your email responses directly to my email address, since I am
not on this newsgroup.

I get headaches which my neurologist characterizes as mostly cluster, but
on rare occasions migraine.  The key triggers are heat, heavy exercise, or
not eating on schedule.  The headaches always begin at the top of the neck
on the right side.  If the headache is stopped early, with anti-inflammatories,
it goes away, otherwise it escalates.

I'd like to know :
	1. What physical tests can I ask for to find the source of the problem?
	  (MRI, ???).
	2. Where can I get answers (on-line) to questions that arise?
	  (Mostly about what drugs and herbs used in treatment actually do.)


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