I am not sure if I have the right group, if not please feel free to direct me.
Effectiveness of numbers versus pictures in communicating complex concepts.
I desperately need information on the way the mind perceives numbers and
For example if you ask the question "How much larger is 7 to 2?".
How does the mind operate? Does it create visual images in the brain?
Is it a uniform reaction, or does it depend on the individual.
I am giving a presentation next week and would greatly appreciate the views of
those with a more technical knowledge than myself.
I am discussing the relative merits of presenting business information in
graphical rather than numerical formats. Numbers, unlike words and pictures,
are not native to the brain. I assume the brain must convert the relative
values or import of different numbers to discern their meaning. Does the
brain process numbers through physical or verbal forms to convert meaning.
Experience, example, and common sense suggest that carefully engineered visual
tools (graphs etc.) can far more effectively convey insight into a numerical
organism (i.e. business) that can numbers. Are pictures, and therefore
graphs, an intrinsically more native and effective way to communicate concepts
than numbers.
I respectively seek your expertise and advice and your urgent response is most
greatly appreciated. With thanks.
Peter Murray. peter.murray at s054.aone.net.au