Dioxin and Epilepsy?????

Gary W Miller gmill02 at EMORY.EDU
Fri May 17 11:55:21 EST 1996

There is a reason you haven't found a neurologist to testify in court 
about dioxin and epilepsy....because there is no scientific evidence to 
support such a link.  Dioxins are one of the most commonly studied 
groups of toxicants in the field of toxicology.  I believe that dioxins 
can be found in most human populations.  Just because he was exposed and 
he still has the compound in his body does not mean it CAUSED his 
epilepsy.  The fact he was exposed to the compound at work is a different 
point.  It is known to cause health problems and if the company was 
negligent he may be entitled to compensation.  If anybody is aware of any 
data linking TCDD/dioxin to neurological disease, please respond.

Sorry for the news, but I would do some research on the compounds to 
which he was exposed and what health effects they cause.  He may be 
unaware of these effects.  

Gary W. Miller, Ph.D.

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