First Announcement
1996 Kent Island Stereology Course
When: November 11-15, 1996.
Where: The Kent Manor Inn, Kent Island, Maryland.
Cost: Course fee $500, includes instructional material.
Deposit by October 1, 1996; space limited to 20 participants.
Course Faculty (in alphbetical order):
Professor Richard Coggeshall
University of Texas Medical Branch
Galveston, Texas
Professor Arun Gokhale
Department of Material Sciences
Georgia Tech University
Atlanta, Georgia
Dr. Peter R. Mouton
Assistant Professor
Johns Hopkins School of Medicine
Baltimore, Maryland
Dr. Arne Moller
NeuroSearch A/S
Glostrup, Denmark
Dr. Mark West
Associate Professor
University of Arhus
Arhus, Denmark
Organized by The Stereology Laboratory at the Johns Hopkins School of
(Peter R. Mouton, Director).
Sponsored by the Department of Pathology, the Johns Hopkins School of
Medicine, Baltimore, Maryland.
For more information, contact Peter Mouton at:
INTERNET: mouton at wlechlink.welch.jhu.edu
PHONE: 410 955-5632
TELEFAX: 410 955-9777