frog physiological solution

Jody K. Hirsh jkh141 at nwu.edu
Thu May 16 12:24:57 EST 1996

In article <319A1424.7D0B at flute.ls.huji.ac.il>, grigory at flute.ls.huji.ac.il 
>I am looking for a frog physiological solution which contains stable 
>buffer (not hydrocarbonate) for the maintaining of pH=7.4 for a long 
> Please reply by e-mail to grigory at flute.ls.huji.ac.il
>Thank you in advance, 
>                       Inna Fabricant. Hebrew University of Jerusalem..

Try substituting the bicarbonate with 5 mM HEPES buffer.  Be sure to keep 
 your stock solutions in the refrigerator or it will get moldy!
Jody K. Hirsh
Northwestern University, Chicago, IL.   USA
jkh141 at nwu.edu

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