Neuronal cell lines

liz_kylin at stratagene.com liz_kylin at stratagene.com
Thu May 16 16:01:27 EST 1996

     Dear Colleagues,
     Stratagene sells both the NT2 undifferentiated precursor cells, 
     and the hNT human neurons.  For some time, it was not possible to 
     ship the differentiated cells overseas due to shipping and 
     storage considerations.  However, we how have available the 
     differentiated cells in a frozen form, called the "hNT-PF Neuron 
     Kit". It is likely that these cells were not available at the 
     time these experiments were attempted.
     If you need more information, please contact our technical 
     services department at:  tech_services at stratagene.com
     Best regards,
     Liz Kylin
     Stratagene Technical Services

______________________________ Reply Separator _________________________________
Subject: Re: Neuronal cell lines
Author:  mbxnjk at vax.ccc.nottingham.ac.uk
macjm2.biochem.nottingham.ac.uk at Internet-Mail
Date:    5/15/96 10:29 AM

Re the Stratagene neurones:
Don't bother - far too hard to get to high level of homogeneity. 
As precursors they're fine, but differentiation isn't easy ! 
            ____     ___
|\   |  |  /    \   /     |         NIGEL KENWARD,
| \  |  | |   ___  |__    |         Dept. Biochemistry,
|  \ |  | |     |  |      |         Nottingham University Medical School. 
|   \|  |  \____/   \___  |___      Clifton Boulevard. 
-------------------------------     Nottingham. NG7 2UH.
 Tel (0115 924 9924) ext 44789      Fax (0115 942 2225)
  email:mbxnjk at vax.nott.ac.uk      "You can tell me.......I'm a doctor"

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