Speaking the Unspoken

Kevin Spencer kspencer at s.psych.uiuc.edu
Wed May 15 18:13:39 EST 1996

ej at white.stanford.edu (EJ Chichilnisky) writes:

>    On 14 May 1996, Kevin Spencer wrote:
>    > Does anyone else feel the same as I do, that the science orientation of
>    > this newsgroup would be better preserved if it was moderated?  Another
>    > newsgroup, perhaps "alt.neuroscience.speculative" could be created for
>    > postings such as this.  It seems to me that in recent months the signal-
>    > to-noise ratio of this group has declined.  Or maybe it's just that I
>    > haven't had my coffee yet today. :)
>    > 
>    > Kevin
>I completely agree. We just need a volunteer to do the moderating. Will you? 

No, I'm afraid I have no time.  I'm not very big on moderated groups, but
I've been getting very annoyed with some of the stuff that has been posted
here lately, and needed to vent that frustration.

>I would love to have a group with a decent S/N ratio devoted to science.
>Many others would too, I wager.

Indeed, I've received replies from several people who share my gripe.
Perhaps the best approach would be to try to steer these threads into a
more scientific direction by asking questions like, "can this theory be
falsified?", "how can you test this hypothesis?", "can you give references
to back up your statements?", etc.

Kevin Spencer
Cognitive Psychophysiology Laboratory and Beckman Institute
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
kspence1 at uiuc.edu

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