Neuronal cell lines

Nigel Kenward mbxnjk at vax.nott.ac.uk
Wed May 15 11:45:50 EST 1996

Re the Stratagene neurones:

Don't bother - far too hard to get to high level of homogeneity.
As precursors they're fine, but differentiation isn't easy !
            ____     ___
|\   |  |  /    \   /     |         NIGEL KENWARD,
| \  |  | |   ___  |__    |         Dept. Biochemistry,
|  \ |  | |     |  |      |         Nottingham University Medical School.
|   \|  |  \____/   \___  |___      Clifton Boulevard.
-------------------------------     Nottingham. NG7 2UH.
 Tel (0115 924 9924) ext 44789      Fax (0115 942 2225)
  email:mbxnjk at vax.nott.ac.uk      "You can tell me.......I'm a doctor"

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