Lev Goldfarb goldfarb at unb.ca
Tue May 14 12:09:53 EST 1996

Please post. My apologies if you receive multiple copies of the following 


	On the foundations of AI and Cognitive Science

	              May 20-21, 1996
                  held in conjunction with 
	   the 11th biennial Canadian AI conference,
	    at the Holiday Inn on King, in Toronto,
                 Workshop Chair: Lev Goldfarb

Each talk (except opening remarks) is 30 min. followed by 30 min.
question/discussion period.

Monday, May 20, Morning Session  

8:45-9:00  Lev Goldfarb, University of New Brunswick, Canada

	"Opening Remarks: The inductive learning process as the central
			   cognitive process"

9:00  Chris Thornton, University of Sussex, UK

	"Does Induction always lead to representation?"

10:10  Lev Goldfarb, University of New Brunswick, Canada
		"What is inductive learning?
 	Construction of the inductive class representation"

11:20  Anselm Blumer, Tufts University, USA (invited talk)

       	"PAC learning and the Vapnik-Chervonenkis dimension" 

Monday, May 20, Afternoon Session 

2:00  Charles Ling, University of Western Ontario, Canada (invited talk)

        "Symbolic and neural network learning in cognitive modeling: 
                     Where's the beef?"

3:10  Eduardo Perez, Ricardo Vilalta and Larry Rendell, University of
			                  Illinois, USA (invited talk)

        "On the importance of change of representation in induction"

4:20  Sayan Bhattacharyya and John Laird, University of Michigan, USA

        "A cognitive model of recall motivated by inductive learning"

Tuesday, May 21, Morning Session 	

9:00  Ryszard Michalski, George Mason University, USA (invited talk)

        "Inductive inference from the viewpoint of inferential theory of

10:10  Lev Goldfarb, Sanjay Deshpande and Virendra Bhavsar, University of
				                      New Brunswick, Canada

		"Inductive theory of vision"

11:20  David Gadishev and David Chiu, University of Guelph, Canada 

       "Learning basic elements for texture representation and comparison"

Tuesday, May 21, Afternoon Session  

2:00  John Caulfield, Center of Applied Optics, A&M University, USA
						         (invited talk)

		"Induction and Physics"

3:10  Igor Jurisica, University of Toronto, Canada

	 "Inductive learning and case-based reasoning"

4:20  Concluding discussion: What is inductive learning?

URL for Canadian AI'96 Conference


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