Dear colleagues,
In the journal entitled Carnegie Technical
vol. 3 (1939) pp. 15-19 (quod in manibus non habui), a
certain M. Reynolds reported of a person who, after having
brushed the teeth with a gritty compound, distinctly heard
without any radio set or similar device, the program of a
neighboring broadcasting station. The title of the inform
was (of course!) "A scientific basis of mental telepathy".
The notice was picked up by an academical medical text en-
titled ""Encyclopaedia of aberrations, A psychiatric hand-
book", edited by E. Podolski and A. Adler (Philosophical
Library, N. York 1953) where the brain is considered as if
broadcasting a kind of radio wave, in the form taken by e-
lectrical XVII-century models of the soul since, more than
one century ago, a certain Hertz show sympathies between
some coils and a spintariscopy. The matter was commented
by H. Kuhlenbeck ("The brain and its mind", Karger, 1982,
p. 87) whereof I took my notes, as direct source for the
present comment.
Kuhlenbeck suppossed that the teeth acted like
a crystal detector, and that the resulting electric potential
fluctuations of audio-frequencies stimulated the organ of
I am trying to implement an experimental set-
ting trying to ascertain if the original report could have
been fair. So I would gratefully appreciate any comment di-
rected to this experimental aim and its practicable varia-
Warm regards,
Prof. Dr. M. Crocco,
<postmaster at>
Director, Centro de Investig. Neurobiologicas, Ministry
of Health & Welfare, Argentine Republic; and
Head, Lab. of Electroneurobiological Res., Neuropsychiatric
Hospital "Dr. Jose Tiburcio Borda", Municipality of Buenos Aires,
Office: Phone/Fax (54 1) 306 -7314
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