receptors on COS cell membrane

Michael Szardenings msz at bmc.uu.se
Sun May 12 10:03:14 EST 1996

In article <Pine.SOL.3.91.960509180319.14907C-100000 at howard>, 
patrick at corona.med.utah.edu says...
>On Thu, 9 May 1996 obrien at pharm.med.upenn.edu wrote:
>> @--> I am planning to work on signal transduction with COS-1 cell line.
>> @--> I need to know what kinds of membrane receptors are endogeneously
>> @--> expressed on this cell line or COS-7 cells.
>> Along those lines, can anyone explain the difference between COS-1 and
>> COS-7 cells?  I'm especially interested in receptors and signalling
>> proteins.
>Is there a source (say a book) that lists the cell lines available and 
>their specific characteristics?  This would be very handy, especially 

Hint 1: check the ATCC catalog, it will give you at least some references.

Hint 2: The topic about receptors on cos cells had been very recently raised 
in the 7-TMS-R group. Our server does not hold this anymore, check the 
archives of bionet or ask this question on that group again.

*       *  ******  ******** *********************************************
**     ** ***   ** ******** * Michael Szardenings                       *
***   *** *****        ***  * Biomedical Center, Pharm. Pharm.          *
**** ****    *****  ***     * Box 591                Tel.:int46-18-17422*
** *** ** **   *** ******** * S-751 24 Uppsala       FAX :int46-18-55971*
**  *  **  ******  ******** *********************************************
INTERNET : MSZ at bmc.uu.se

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