Speaking the Unspoken

Richard Nacamuli headwave at access.digex.net
Mon May 13 21:09:48 EST 1996

        Please pardon me if I, in the interest of world peace,
trouble you one more time. I am writing in the hope, however
small, that I might open a dialogue. It is abundantly clear to
me that we are telepathic. It is equally clear that we are
going to fight another world war. If we do, it will not be
because nobody said what needed to be said.
        Being telepathic, there must obviously be electromagnetic
emissions of some sort from our brains. In an advanced a society
as ours it would be a simple matter to detect them, be they radio
frequency, microwave, millimeter, submillimeter, or whatever.
Simple to detect, and impossible to avoid for, unless it is our
intent to destroy half of our world in a nuclear war, it is
impossible for us to progress very much beyond this point without
doing so. In fact, we are likely to see continued regression as
long as we continue to avoid doing so.
        For stubborn people; some of the highlights of
        World War III:
        Mother Russia will elect herself a communist government
with influence well into Europe. China will become quite the
industrialized nation and will also become quite agressive.
A sharp rise in fuel prices will cause a major economic collapse
as we will not have developed a substitute for petroleum. The world
will suddenly have 2 billion too-many people in it (including the
billion too-many it already has). Russia will ally with China.
Russia will invade Europe. China will invade Taiwan, S. Korea, 
Japan, and will either invade or attack Malaysia. Moslem Pakistan,
with China's help, will be engaged in a nuclear conflict with
Hindu India and will find both of their populations considerably
        It also appears that the Hebrew race could quite possibly
be annihilated. After being murdered in Europe, the Jews have
concentrated in Israel. One thing that can be said for having a
people in one place is that it makes it easy to kill them all.
It is similar in the United States where Jews, blacks, hispanics,
and gays are concentrated in cities eagerly awaiting Russian and
Chinese warheads. It is unlikely that the United States could
do much to help the Israelis as the entire Arab world falls
upon her. The U.S. will be fending off Russian submarine-
launched missiles in the east and Chinese ICBM's in the west.
It is not likely that she'll stop them all.
        In what I feel is, frankly, quite likely an excersise
in futility, I am attempting through some rather open talk to
open a dialogue, a window if you will, and let some fresh air
into an otherwise stagnant atmosphere. At the same time, I
want to put a few things on the level on which they belong.
        The Russians used to be into telepathy. What happened?
Give up? I suggest that we turn our antennas from the sky for
a moment and point them at our heads. We may be surprised by
what we find. Then again, maybe we won't.

Richard L. Nacamuli                             "E per si muove"
headwave at access.digex.net                                Galileo

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