In article <imcfarlane.2.31863EBF at>,
imcfarlane at (IAN MCFARLANE) wrote:
> Hi, does anyone know of any neuronal cell lines that exists as a suspension
> culture, a long shot I know. Failing that can anyone give me any details of
> Human neuronal cell lines (apart from IMR-32 and SNKSHs).
>> TIA Ian Mc
you could try contacting stratagene, they have a human "neuronal" cell
line (i think its called hNT) they even have an office in the UK phone
0223 420955 (cambridge). don't know how they would grow in suspension.
there is another cell line called NG-108 which also has neuronal
characteristics but in suspension...? hope this helps,
Dave Pataky
Dept of Zoology, UBC
pataky at