receptors on COS cell membrane

Riekeltje Koedood rkoedood at bio.bu.edu
Mon May 13 13:00:51 EST 1996

Patrick (patrick at corona.med.utah.edu) wrote:
: On Thu, 9 May 1996 obrien at pharm.med.upenn.edu wrote:

: Is there a source (say a book) that lists the cell lines available and 
: their specific characteristics?  This would be very handy, especially 
: since most of the cell line info I get for my work is based on reading of 
: the use of a given cell line in another study.  In addition, in working 
: on my prelims, I am working on a research proposal that requires work 
: with several cell lines.  I chose two lines that I am specifically 
: familiar with rather than because they had some special aspect of use.

: Is there such a source?

: Thanks, 
: patrick

Try the ATCC catalogs. Electronically accesed thru  
	gopher culture.atcc.org   or

Marieke Koedood
Boston University

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