GAMMA-OH(Gamma-Hydroxybutyrate):The First Authentic Anti-Depressant (4)
As I do not have much time to answer,individually,all questions received co=
ncerning Gamma-OH, you will find here more information about this molecule.=
New information has been added,regularly,in this article so as to answer to=
your questions.
Recently,the whole world was brainwashed by Lilly Company with a severe bli=
tzkrieg propaganda on an allegedly "new" anti-depressant called fluoxetine =
or Prozac.Lilly lied when it presented Prozac as being the "first" marketed=
anti-depressant of a "new" generation!The first marketed anti-depressant o=
f this new family of anti-depressants called the "SSRI" was ZIMELIDINE mark=
eted by Astra,in Europe,as Normud,and developped in Scandinavia.Zimelidine =
was followed by INDALPINE in France(Upst$BoO(Je)and then by FLUVOXAMINE i=
n Holland(Floxyfral).
Only FLUVOXAMINE withstood the test of time as zimelidine and indalpine had=
some unwanted side-effects,even though indalpine proved to be a remarkable=
molecule for some treatment resistant persons.Fluvoxamine was marketed in =
Europe perhaps 8 YEARS BEFORE its american equivalent Prozac!Even though it=
did not reach the US market because American pharmaceutical companies coul=
d not yet compete with Europeans...So Fluvoxamine was blocked to reach the =
US market until Americans could develop properly their own SSRI! This is wh=
at american businessmen,usually,call "fairplay".By doing so,millions of Ame=
ricans did not benefit of Fluvoxamine and,surely,many lives could had been =
saved in America by Fluvoxamine....Alas,these lives WERE NOT saved because =
of the greed and unfair practices of the american system towards novel medi=
cations invented elsewhere.Millions of depressed Americans were denied acce=
ss to Fluvoxamine, for commercial purposes only.This is a moral perversion =
of the ethic of medicine.
The sad irony of this situation is that Fluvoxamine is superior ,in all res=
pects,to Prozac!
For instance,Prozac has some unwanted side-effects which fluvoxamine does n=
ot have.Moreover,fluvoxamine can SUPPRESS the side-effects of Prozac! So wh=
y use Prozac at all? This is due to the fact that Lilly was very successful=
in launching a blitzkrieg propaganda campaign,superbly ignoring our europe=
an product and its anteriority.Moreover,the idea of developping a specific =
serotonin reuptake blocker was a european idea and not an american idea as =
Americans did not believe in the anti-depressant effects of serotonin but f=
avoured noradrenaline...
Prozac,frequently,induces insomnia and headaches while it is also slighly s=
ub-hallucinogenic.Fluvoxamine,on the contrary,promotes sleep and alleviates=
headaches.Also no subhallucinogenic phenomena can be detected.One reason w=
hy Prozac has these side-effects is because Prozac should,preferentially,in=
directly activate serotonin 5-HT2A receptors.Activation of these receptors =
is a common effect of the hallucinogens.Normally the TYPICAL SSRIs have ant=
i-hallucinogenic properties,meaning that they are not effective at 5-HT2A r=
eceptors,contrary to fluoxetine which is,thus,an ATYPICAL SSRI.
All the unwanted side-effects of,let say a dose of 4O mgr of Prozac are abo=
lished by an equipotent dose of IOO mgr of fluvoxamine.
Fluvoxamine also suppresses rapidly moral suffering(the hard-core of depres=
sion)and suicidal ideation while Prozac is slower on onset.
So the big commercial problem for american companies was that fluvoxamine w=
as invented not in America but in Europe and marketed about 8 years before =
they could SELL their own similar products....Moral perversion,as I said,an=
d totally unacceptable.Just recently was fluvoxamine accepted.
No comments!
What is interesting is that in Switzerland Prozac's name has been changed i=
nto Fluctine,probably for commercial reasons.In addition to fluvoxamine,cit=
alopram,paroxetine and sertraline are available here.So Swiss people seem t=
o have been less stupid in front of the blitzkrieg for fluoxetine!
Another very good european anti-depressant of which Americans have no equiv=
alent is AMINEPTINE(Survector)and,naturally,Amineptine is not marketed in t=
he USA even though it is a dopaminergic anti-depressant and dopaminergic an=
ti-depressants are known to be more effective in treatment resistant patien=
ts.Why Americans have not yet marketed dopaminergic anti-depressants remain=
s an enigma.As Japanese say:"kaoua$B}=01(Jso" for american patients,meani=
ng american patients are most unfortunate(because money always comes before=
morality in the US).In fact,the activation of dopamine seems more crucial =
in order to obtain a fast anti-depressant effect than modulation of other n=
eurotransmitters as the function of dopamine in the CNS is to metabolically=
activate neuronal systems.Dopamine is an ubiquitous metabolic activator wh=
ile serotonin has,most frequently,the opposite action(this is called the Do=
pamine/Serotonin balance hypothesis;there is also a Serotonin/Serotonin bal=
ance hypothesis.This hypothesis states that the global metabolic action of =
serotonin is the ratio of activation of serotonin receptors diminishing do=
paminergic activity to those serotoninergic receptors which increase dopami=
ne activity,such as the 5-HT2A receptors).Concerning novel anti-depressants=
the French have invented the very first Selective Serotonin reuptake Accel=
erator(SSRA):Tianeptine.Tianeptine acts in an opposite way as the SSRI but,=
still,instead of inducing depressions cure depressions! In the naive unders=
tanding of serotonin in depression such a fact cannot be understood...We wi=
ll explain later on why tianeptine is,in fact,an anti-depressant and even t=
he FIRST authentic serotoninergic anti-depressant!
So we are left with the morally unacceptable fact that America has banned s=
uperior european anti-depressants because the same equivalent products did =
not yet exist in America.
This behaviour of the american pharmaceutical companies has been systematic=
=2EFor instance a good anti-depressant invented in Italy and called TRAZODO=
NE was,recently, imitated in America with the creation of NEFAZODONE(Serzon=
e)in order to get more money! And another novel anti-depressant invented in=
Europe,VILOXAZINE(the first selective noradrenaline reuptake inhibitor),ap=
parently never reached the US market,etc,etc.
Now I will come to a fantastic anti-depressant called GAMMA-OH(brand name),=
and which =
could save lots of depressed people if it were marketed to that effect.
GAMMA-OH has never been studied as an anti-depressant because of what is ca=
lled the =
IMIPRAMINOMIMETIC DOGMA .This dogma states that anti-depressants can only b=
e found by those pharmacological methods which have been applied to discove=
r imipramine,the first alleged anti-depressant!Clearly,this dogma is nonsen=
se and it has hampered research on anti-depressants since more than 30 year=
s,forbidding the discovery of true fast-acting anti-depressants.This dogma =
also states that it is not possible to achieve an anti-depressant effect im=
mediately but that one has to suffer for weeks before starting to feel bett=
er with medication...What is funny with this grotesque dogma is that imipra=
mine was discovered by chance!At that time nobody believed in imipramine ex=
cept one lone researcher whose obstinate perserverance was rewarded...
GAMMA-OH(or gamma-hydroxybutyrate,a quite simple molecule with a vast array=
of psychotropic properties)has proved that this statement was sheer nonsen=
se. =
GAMMA-OH was discovered by a friend of mine(the late Dr.Henri Laborit who i=
ntroduced the use of chlorpromazine in psychiatry around I952)in I96I in Fr=
ance and since that time scientists were unable to discover some rather ext=
raordinary properties of this molecule on depression,anxiety and sociabilit=
y! Why? Because nobody seriously studied the psychotropic effects of this m=
olecule until I started to do the job.This stems from the fact that most "s=
cientists" are not real scientists or savants but only civil servants:they =
work to earn their food,not to really discover nature's mysteries.These civ=
il servants(called "fonctionnaires",in French,a simpler word) work like sol=
diers in an Army,not like true researchers because they are not authentic r=
esearchers!They have ideas and interests of "fonctionnaires" not of savants=
=2E..For some years GAMMA-OH was used as an hypnotic in France but people c=
omplained that they did not sleep long enough with that and would awake too=
early in the morning!Then,according to Henri Laborit,came May I968 and Gam=
ma-OH was considered subversive:it thus became a medicine only available on=
prescription.And of course a medicine which can enhance sociability is,ind=
eed,subversive because sociability does not go well along with business and=
merchants!To be a good merchant you need,psychologically,to block your soc=
iable feelings:you should cease to consider other human beings as human bei=
ngs but just as things which can bring you money and power.You have to lear=
n to be selfish,that is non-sociable!
GAMMA-OH is a remarkable molecule because it can suppress depressive ideati=
on and anxiety sometimes within less than 3O minutes.It also seems to be im=
mediately active on the most severe and treatment resistant forms of depres=
sion.Because of such remarkable properties I used to call,jokingly,GAMMA-OH=
"Or Potable",in French,which means "potable gold"! Indeed a molecule which=
can block your depression and suicidal ideas,anxiety,etc,in such an effici=
ent way is as precious as gold because it can save your life.
GAMMA-OH saved my own life many times when all other anti-depressants faile=
d.For years I suffered of depressive episodes which did not react to conven=
tional "anti-depressants".Why? Because,in fact,most anti-depressants(an ant=
i-depressant is also called a THYMOANALEPTIC.A thymoanaleptic is a molecule=
which stimulates mood)are not really "anti-depressants" per se but THYMOAN=
ESTHESISERS.A thymoanesthesiser is a molecule which ANESTHESISES emotions a=
nd which,thus,blunt feelings.For instance,if you give "anti-depressants" to=
,let say,two lovers together you will notice that their love feelings towar=
ds one another become anesthesised,blunted...Clearly,a molecule which blunt=
s rewarding emotions is definitely not an authentic anti-depressant but,rat=
her,a "mind Xylocaine"(xylocaine is an anesthesiser used for hemorhoids and=
all kinds of similar pains!).A thymoanesthesiser takes away a part of your=
personality and makes you a bit similar to people suffering from negative =
schizophrenia.On the contrary if you administer gamma-hydroxybutyrate to a =
pair of lovers you will notice that it will enhance their love feelings bec=
ause it stimulates sociability.
Prozac and Fluvoxamine and all SSRI are,in fact,thymoanesthesisers not auth=
entic thymoanaleptics.They block depression by SUPPRESSING or reducing feel=
ings,euphoric or dysphoric and you become a kind of satisfied zombie! Anoth=
er thymoanesthesiser,which is not a SSRI,and which blocks quite spectacular=
ly love feelings is MAPROTILINE,a slightly modified tricyclic.In my opinion=
,maprotiline is psychotoxic because it can induce indifference in otherwise=
normal subjects.No more suffering but no more real happiness.On the contra=
ry,AMINEPTINE does not suppress emotions but it does not intensify them eit=
her.So amineptine is an anti-depressant but still not the ideal thymoanalep=
tic.Now we can come back to tianeptine.Why tianeptine is an anti-depressant=
?We have seen that serotoninergics alleviate depression by REDUCING emotion=
s.Enhancing serotonin neurotransmission,in fact,anesthesises emotions.Thus =
it is logical that reducing serotonin neurotransmission( in some unknown br=
ain areas )should STIMULATE the expression of emotions.This is demonstrated=
by tianeptine and by some tryptophane hydroxylase inhibitors such as MDA o=
r MDMA.What is more interesting is that even though MDMA selectively destro=
ys the axons of the raph$Bq=01(Jnucleus the behavioural consequences of t=
hat are,apparently,non-existent(But damages can be demonstrated in MDMA tre=
ated persons through Fluvoxamine).Further reducing serotonin neurotransmiss=
ion in MDMA subjects having a depressive episode,with tianeptine,can suppre=
ss depression in these people! One person who had taken MDMA at high doses =
for 5 years and who became depressed reported that,under tianeptine,he woul=
d feel like under MDMA!!! Of course no normal patient has ever reported an =
MDMA-like effect with tianeptine...As tianeptine activates emotions instead=
SEROTONINERGIC ANTI-DEPRESSANT.But who knows tianeptine in North-America? N=
early nobody because the French are very,very bad businessmen not like thos=
e of Lilly! French can invent good novel products but are not good at propa=
ganda.Lilly invented a mediocre product but persuaded everybody that their =
product was the best ever...If the French had been so clever as Lilly,Amine=
ptine,for instance,would have invaded the whole world years and years ago,n=
ot to speak about tianeptine! The French have invented many novel anti-depr=
essant but did practically nothing to spread them.Some of these are:m$BqE=
(Jifoxamine(Cl$BqE(Jial),minaprine(Cantor),Viloxazine(Vivalan),not to spe=
ak about amineptine and tianeptine! What's more they invented(by chance!)Ga=
mma-OH and never discovered that this was a very novel anti-depressant! Kno=
wledgeable people just used Gamma-OH like Champagne or Beaujolais but did n=
othing more...Gamma-OH stayed for the elite and the elite was not intereste=
d to study the peculiar psychotropic effects of this molecule! =
After years of reflexions on depression I realised,one day,that a real anti=
-depressant should STIMULATE SOCIABILITY.Why? Because depression is,basical=
ly,a defect of sociability.Depression is a state of LOWERED SOCIABILITY and=
when natural sociability is lowered in a human brain(for instance through =
competition,etc)then this brain starts to suffer morally.Experience has sho=
wn that when sociability is ENHANCED then depression vanishes.GAMMA-OH is t=
he first molecule discovered which does just this:it STIMULATES SOCIABILITY=
=2EThis is why GAMMA-OH is called a SOCIABILISER.
GAMMA-OH is hypothesised to cure depression by stimulation of brain OXYTOCI=
N neurotransmission.Oxytocin is a very important molecule responsible of so=
ciable states,of the maternal instinct and of all activities related to the=
maintainance of life.For instance,oxytocin is involved in sex and orgasm a=
nd orgasm intensity seems directly linked to enhanced oxytocin neurotransmi=
GAMMA-OH suppresses depressed ideation with amazing rapidity.You may feel u=
ncurable dysphoria with suicidal ideation,anxiety,etc,and think that no med=
icine or no one could help you until you try gamma-hydroxybutyrate! After y=
ou may just think how crazy you were and feel how life is beautiful and des=
erves to be lived and enjoyed!
Gamma-hydroxybutyrate strongly stimulates the desire to be and to remain al=
ive despite unfavourable circumstances.No conventional so-called anti-depre=
ssant does that.
Gamma-OH is the fastest anti-depressant known and can,often,suppress severe=
depressive ideation within just hours while conventional thymoanesthesiser=
s take WEEKS or MONTHS to alleviate suffering...GAMMA-OH therapy is also ve=
ry short:less than a month of treatment is effective,as opposed of months o=
r years of treatment with other treatments.
How to use Gamma-OH
GAMMA-OH(this is the brand name of this molecule in France,as I said before=
)should be used as follows:
Three doses of 2 gr per day on an empty stomach.For instance,2gr in the mor=
ning,then 2gr before eating your first meal,at noon,then the last dose at a=
round 6 in the evening.
GAMMA-OH should always be associated with CLONAZEPAM(Rivotril)Imgr taken in=
the morning.If you suffer from intractable moral pain you will be surprise=
d to feel that your blocked gratifying emotions come back very,very fast!
GAMMA-OH is a self-limiting medicine,which means that you discover by yours=
elf when it is time to stop medication.Why? Because GAMMA-OH induces EMOTIO=
NAL SATIETY and when you are emotionally satiated you do not feel like aski=
ng for more joy as you feel already fed up with happiness!!! Yes,you can be=
fed up with happiness!This is why people using GAMMA-OH do not become addi=
cted.In fact,GAMMA-OH is even used to treat alcohol and opiate addicts.
GAMMA-OH gives you a strong DESIRE TO LIVE whatever are the circumstances.T=
his is why it is the only authentic anti-depressant available.Gamma-hydroxy=
butyrate was the first sociabiliser which I discovered through Henri Labori=
t.Laborit is well-known in France for his many books on society.He used to =
drink GAMMA-OH 3 times a week,which maintained him in an amazing shape! How=
ever,Gamma-OH,normally,cannot be taken for a long period of time continuous=
ly as it tends to induce fatigue and,sometimes,anxiety.So emotional satiety=
or fatigue,etc,make Gamma-OH a non-addictive medicine as people will,spont=
aneously,stop medication when they feel these phenomena!
GAMMA-OH is a so-called Gaba B agonist and a TYROSINE HYDROXYLASE ACTIVATOR=
At pharmacological doses,it has,recently,been found,in Strasbourg(France),t=
o be a tryptophan hydroxylase activator.At the normal doses used for depres=
sion and anxiety Gamma-OH has a small regulatory dopaminergic activity:it r=
egularises dopaminergic activity.Gamma-OH is found,naturally,in the brain t=
ogether with another more rigid analog called GAMMA-HYDROXY-TRANS-CROTONATE=
(G.H.T.C).GHTC is a close analogue of GAMA-AMINO-TRANS-CROTONATE(G.A.T.C) w=
hich is one of the most potent agonist of the newly discovered Gaba C recep=
tors.It is not known yet whether Gamma-OH or GHTC bind to these Gaba C rece=
ptors.There are specific receptors to 4-OHB(another name of Gamma-OH!)and G=
HTC in the brain.These receptors are called GHB receptors.French scientists=
have found that some benzamide neuroleptics bind with high affinity to the=
se receptors.Nobody knows yet what 4-OHB and GHTC do,exactly,in the brain! =
They may serve as neuromodulators.The only rather clear thing we know is th=
at stimulation of these receptors could be involved in the generation of "p=
etit mal" epilepsy.Gamma-OH can induce,very rarely(and this is not dose-dep=
endent!)slight subjective effects reminiscent of petit mal epilepsy.These e=
ffects are adequately blocked by CLONAZEPAM and this is the reason why Gamm=
a-OH should,always,better be absorbed with clonazepam or other benzodiazepi=
nes.Benzodiazepines seem to have a good protective effects against the even=
tual minor side-effects of Gamma-OH.For instance,short term use of Gamma-OH=
is strongly anxiolytic and a very effective medication for panic attacks w=
hich are reversed within I5 to 2O minutes(on an empty stomach only).However=
,if Gamma-OH is taken for weeks it can induce what looks like a "rebound" a=
nxiety phenomenon.This anxiety manifests itself as plain anxiety or a panic=
attack just when the psychotropic effects of Gamma-OH start to wane.In suc=
h cases of anxiety,clonazepam(2mgr),midazolam(I5mgr), triazolam(O.5mgr) or =
chloraz$BqQ(Jate(Tranx$BoO(Je,25 mgr)should be used.Gamma-OH invariably=
induces vomiting in people chronically intoxicated with alcohol or people =
having liver problems.In fact,Gamma-OH can be used as a test of liver funct=
ioning! However,as Gamma-OH stimulates dopamine activity it can give rise t=
o nausea and vomiting with very slight increases in the normal dose range w=
hich should NEVER exceed 2.5gr within 6 hours.Italians have used Gamma-OH ,=
to treat alcoholics and opiates addicts, without serious side effects.They =
have been using shorter time interval than what I recommend and big daily d=
oses with heroin addicts with no apparent serious side-effects.This is in c=
ontradiction with what Americans have reported...So is there,now,an America=
n and a European science??? Why Gamma-OH side-effects are "serious" in Nort=
h-America and "neglegible" in Europe(Italy)? Are these differences of opini=
ons related to science OR culture???My opinion is that demonisation of so a=
nd so is strongly entranched in North-American culture.In North-America thi=
ngs have to be good OR bad,black OR white.Something cannot be good and bad =
at the same time,out there...This is an ayatollah way of thinking:it is cul=
tural Inquisition.We are more realistic and pragmatic in Europe.Even water =
can lead to intoxication if taken in sufficient amount...Words can also int=
oxicate but words are far more potent than molecules! Adolf Hitler could in=
toxicate and make millions of people hallucinate just with a few words...Th=
e words of Hitler were hallucinogenic and far,far more potent than lysergam=
ide(LSD)! Hitler was a potential emotionnal hallucinogen,like some mushroom=
s are potential hallucinogens.But this is a philosophical discussion which =
does not have its place here! Just good to know because some north-american=
"scientists" are also hallucinogenic and spread hallucinations...The whole=
north-american system is strongly hallucinogenic with its insidious commer=
cial and puritanical flavour.This is another debate...Concerning hallucinog=
ens,Shulgin(a famous scientist)speculated once that 5-Methoxy-DMT (a halluc=
inogen!)might lift rapidly depressive ideation.Hallucinogens have not been =
experimented as anti-depressants yet but some facts suggest that some might=
have an action.This remains to be determined.
Many years ago I discovered a second class of Sociabilisers(though less pot=
ent because of a mixed pro-serotoninergic action)called the TRYPTOPHAN HYDR=
OXYLASE INHIBITORS,such as MDMA(3,4 methylenedioxymethylphenylisopropylamin=
e)or MDAI(5,6 methylenedioxyaminoindane).The sociabilising actions per se o=
f MDMA are similar but GAMMA-OH is more potent and perfectly safe while MDM=
A is neurotoxic and cardiotoxic.MDAI is a non-neurotoxic analogue of MDMA.N=
ew analogues of both GAMMA-OH and MDMA have been invented but not yet teste=
The sociabilising action of MDMA is related to its indirect blocking of SER=
OTONIN neurotransmission in a brain structure called the MEDIAN RAPHE NUCLE=
US.When the Median Raphe Nucleus is inactivated then sociability,spontaneou=
sly,appears.In fact,both GAMMA-OH and MDMA could act at a common site modul=
ating oxytocinergic neurotransmission.I have now a hypothesis which could l=
ink the effects on sociability of these two molecules.Basically this hypoth=
esis states that MDMA might be an indirect tyrosine hydroxylase activator b=
y suppressing the action of serotonin at post-synaptic 5-HT-IA heterorecept=
ors,thus enhancing the activity of tyrosine hydroxylase in some unidentifie=
d locus.There exists one molecule, called NAN-I9O ,which could help in eval=
uating this hypothesis.GAMMA-OH is a pure sociabiliser while MDMA and MDMA-=
mimetics are partial sociabilisers.At low doses of MDMA the sociabilising a=
ction of this substance is masked by a pro-serotoninergic action as MDMA is=
,also, a serotonin releaser.This effect of MDMA produces a psychotropic act=
ion similar to the serotoninergic thymoanesthesisers such as fluvoxamine,ci=
talopram,sertraline,etc.At higher dosage the sociabilising action of MDMA b=
ecomes manifest.Subjectively speaking 2.5gr of GAMMA-OH are equivalent to 2=
OOmgr of MDMA.Haloperidol Imgr does not block the sociabilising actions of =
Gamma-OH while it blocks the dopaminergic effects of a dose of 2OOmgr of Am=
ineptine,a dopamine re-uptake blocker.Haloperidol might block the sociabili=
sing effects of MDMA.This is not clear yet.
GAMMA-OH might,theoretically,be also effective against the negative symptom=
s of schizophrenia but this remains to be tested.
GAMMA-OH can be obtained in France under this name.It has been produced sin=
ce its discovery by the Laboratoire Egic,Amilly,France(telephone:30-67-I6-I=
6).Now it is,apparently,produced by another company and this company does n=
ot know yet that they have potential gold in their hands because if Gamma-O=
H is demonstrated to be the superior anti-depressant which I claim,then it =
would throw in the garbage can most of the antique anti-depressants!You get=
Gamma-OH in vials of 2.5gr to be dissolved in orange juice or milk(Henri L=
aborit's advice!),as its taste is not good.Gamma-OH boxes are blue in colou=
r and contain only 6 vials.A box costs about IO swiss francs.Gamma-OH is,so=
metimes,very effective against migraines but only for one hour and a half! =
The activity of Gamma-OH against migraines is not predictable,like many oth=
er medicines used for that.MDMA is also very effective against migraines bu=
t this has not been studied...
GAMMA-OH should never be mixed with alcohol,opiates,antibiotics, or anythin=
g else except benzodiazepines, Amineptine, or Fluvoxamine.The psychotropic =
effects of IOOmgr of fluvoxamine will be suppressed,for about one hour and =
a half,by a dose of 2.5gr of Gamma-OH.Amineptine does not seem to modify th=
e psychotropic effects of Gamma-OH while L-Dopa intensifies the hypnotic ef=
fects of this molecule.
The recommended dose of Gamma-OH should NOT be exceeded.If you overdose,you=
fall into a hypnotic sleep from which you cannot be awaken for hours.Moreo=
ver,it could promote "petit mal" epilepsy in such overdoses,plus nausea and=
vomiting.Vomiting is a clear sign of relative over-dosage of Gamma-OH and =
is related,apparently,both to the dopaminergic activity of this molecule an=
d to liver function.Anyhow there is no need for overdosing.If used as presc=
ribed here it is a very safe anti-depressant and anti-panic medication.
GAMMA-OH is available only on prescription.I advise those people who see ev=
erything in term of white or black(this is very entrenched in the psycholog=
y of white Anglo-Saxons protestants) to consider the considerable benefits =
for suffering people that Gamma-OH could bring if it is demonstrated to be =
the superior anti-depressant which I claim here.Afterwards,more research wi=
ll,very certainly,lead to refined versions of Gamma-OH with minimal side-ef=
The demonisation of Gamma-OH in North-America:A New Form of Inquisition
We are living since the, I96O's,in a world of INQUISITION against all psych=
otropic molecules which generate some forms of pleasure.This modern Inquis=
ition started in America as a puritanical expression of american society t=
o ban pleasure from life.This Inquisition should be fought against as it ha=
s halted the development of scientific research on the mind.3O years of res=
earch have been lost because Americans imposed an INTELLECTUAL EMBARGO on m=
any research involving the mind.For instance, all research on the hallucino=
gens was stopped,thanks to this perverse Inquisition.This intellectual emba=
rgo should be lifted and scientists and laymen should fight for that.
No Inquisition can be accepted in the scientific field.American society has=
systematically demonised all psychotropic molecules which can give pleasur=
e.(Even alcohol was demonised but this demonisation was not successful and =
was abandonned when it was noticed that the creation of Al Capone and other=
similar people was a consequence of this demonisation!)This is sheer madne=
ss and should strongly be opposed.The right to use our brain in the way we =
want should be a FUNDAMENTAL RIGHT OF MAN and put in the Declaration of Hum=
an Rights.I hope this goal will be achieved in the future.One of the reason=
which motivated me to write what you are reading is that GAMMA-OH has been=
in use,for knowledgeable people in Europe,for decades.Now it reached the U=
SA,unfortunately,because,as usual,some american INQUISITORS are trying to d=
emonise this very useful molecule.These pseudo-scientific AYATOLLAHS should=
be put back in their middle-ages churchs.In Iran,ayatollahs are condemning=
sex.In America,the american ayatollahs want,desperately,to control the use=
of our mind.This is an untolerable situation.Progress is made through free=
dom and knowledge,not under the guidance of any ayattolah.Let us make a gra=
ssroot movement against all these ayatollahs! Ayatollahs and similar Inquis=
itors should go back into their dungeons!!! Middle-Age is over.The quest fo=
r Freedom is a never-ending quest.It is surprising that you do not need,yet=
,a prescription for Champagne,wines and other alcohols in North-America bec=
ause if alcohol were judged by pharmaceutical standards it would have been =
banned a long time ago...
Gamma-OH in France and North-America
Gamma-oh was invented by Dr.Wermuth,in France,for Dr.Henri Laborit who is t=
he father of chlorpromazine and modern psychopharmacology.Wermuth created g=
amma-hydroxybutyrate in I96I in the search of a GABA analog which could,rea=
dily,penetrate the blood-brain barrier.
Gamma-OH soon went to the market as an hypnotic which could be obtained wit=
h no medical prescription.The French,until I started to study this molecule=
,were unable to classify it under any class.For sometimes,it was an hypnoti=
c inducing a form of sleep very similar to normal sleep,then it became a pr=
e-anesthesiser,etc.About I5 years ago,I,finally,discovered that Gamma-OH wa=
s,in fact,a molecule to be classified under the novel class of the Sociabil=
isers,together with its butyrolactone form which is,readily,transformed int=
o Gamma-OH in the blood by a non specific lactonase.In fact,butyrolactone i=
s a pro-drug giving rise to gamma-hydroxybutyric acid.Gamma-OH has a recogn=
ised peripheric oxytocinergic action while its central oxytocin properties =
are still to be demonstrated but seem very likely.
Gamma-OH is known in France through the many books of Henri Laborit and his=
Laborit always praised the properties of Gamma-OH and,as France is definite=
ly not a puritanical society banning pleasure from existence,Gamma-OH has a=
lways been available,even though its stimulates pleasure.Laborit always adv=
ocated the general use of Gamma-OH in society,like butter or milk! Why? Bec=
ause it takes away your stress,makes you more positive towards life,suppres=
ses selectively,like a kind of "psychological diode",your painful feelings,=
stimulates your sociability and makes you more tender,more loving,more conc=
erned by others.Also you become keenly aware that you have only one life an=
d that life should be a quest for happiness.Gamma-OH makes you realise how =
much you need others(not something for businessmen and militaries or gangst=
ers!!!) and this is a highly positive thing.I always knew that when Gamma-O=
H would arrive in puritanical North-America it would,one day,be demonised..=
=2EUnfortunately for North-Americans,the ayatollahs of the pleasure INQUISI=
TION have struck again and banned gamma-hydroxybutyrate!Laborit just died,r=
ecently,a few months ago at an old age.Sometimes,he used to joke that Gamma=
-OH made him live longer as he would suppress his stress with this "drinkab=
le gold",in case of need!!! He always said that his two greatest discoverie=
s were chlorpromazine and Gamma-OH but he never fully realised that Gamma-O=
H could open a new era in the management of depression and anxiety.He never=
fought in order to promote the study of the psychotropic effects of Gamma-=
OH,he never discovered that Gamma-OH was the first molecule of a novel clas=
s:the Sociabilisers.He just enjoyed Gamma-OH,with his friends,while conduct=
ing other researches.All the people who have surrounded Laborit have,natura=
lly,more or less been exposed to Gamma-OH! I was lucky to be one of these p=
eople.Gamma-OH is still a crude medicine.It should be properly studied and =
better analogs should be invented.The use of sociabilisers may have tremend=
ous effects on our societies,reducing intra-specific aggression and enhanci=
ng cooperation instead of competition.Gamma-OH is a convivial medicine as i=
t shows you that you need others to be happy.Long term on and off use seems=
to make you more immune to stress and dysphoria,more loving towards people=
in general,more active in your life as it stimulates your enthusiasm becau=
se you are so aware that life can be a fantastic thing,everyday.The general=
use of sociabilisers may be a temporary solution for the intra-specific ag=
gressivity of the human kind.Can Gamma-OH and novel analogs reduce wars,at =
last? I leave this question opened for your reflexion.
I will summarise,now, the psychotropic profile of Gamma-OH,something which =
I =
have done in a lenghty paper many years ago,in French.
Description of the Psychotropic Effects of Gamma-OH(I985)
Gamma-OH have the following properties:
A.It stimulates sociability which means that you feel like communicating wi=
th other people in all ways:emotionnal,intellectual,sexual.And from this co=
mmunication you feel a very strong and deep happiness.Why? Because,probably=
,Gamma-OH inactivates a system which,normally,controls our base-line level =
of paranoia.Gamma-OH seems to dissolve paranoia and induce trust.It would h=
ad been very interesting to give Gamma-OH to both Mr.Bush and Saddam Hussei=
n before they started their silly war!
B.Gamma.OH gives you a strong desire to TOUCH others,physically and psychol=
C.Communication becomes extremely gratifying as you feel you want to become=
close to people,not to isolate yourself.
D.Gamma-OH induces a strong sense of BEAUTY.Everything looks so beautiful,s=
o VIVID,so enjoyable,so pleasurable,so important,so "deep".
C.The perception of movement is enhanced.
D.Three-dimensional perception is enhanced and vision seems more clear,bett=
er than usual.
E.The contrast of colours between objects is increased.A yellow "pissenlit"=
(dandelion),or a rose,etc,situated in front of,let say,green grass look bri=
ghter,more real,closer to you.
F.You can feel a sense of freshness on your face(this effect has also been =
noticed with Nomifensine,a dopaminergic thymoanaleptic).
G.You feel very hungry.This may be useful in treating anorexics.
H.If you are a man,a woman will look magnificent and very attractive.She ma=
y become just like a goddess to your eyes.Women will experience the same fe=
elings towards men.However,these kinds of feelings depend of your cultural =
background.For instance,a simple Siamese woman will not feel such intense f=
eelings but will report that she feels drunk!Gamma-OH is a very important t=
ool in order to investigate the emotionnal background of a person.For insta=
nce loving persons will become more loving while people devoid of these fee=
lings will just feel in good mood,only.Some people may cry,which demonstrat=
es that they have a lot of repressed materials in themselves,etc.Crying und=
er Gamma-OH is a very liberating experience because you can take out and re=
lease things which,normally,you keep deep inside and which thus hurt you.Cr=
ying under Gamma-OH takes away accumulated inner moral pains.
I.Sensuality becomes very intense.You want to touch,to kiss,to caress,to ho=
ld,to love,to hug,to make love.In summary,you want to contact others throug=
h any mean available because you are just highly sociable!
J.According to Henri Laborit,Gamma-OH renders the clitoris more sensitive.M=
oreover,Gamma-OH increases love and sexual desires both in women and men.
However,it has a tendency to lower erection abilities in man!Making love wi=
th Gamma-OH is an extraordinary experience!
Love feelings are intensified and the person you love can,even,look to you =
like a deity.
K.You can sometimes feel a deep sense of "meaningfulness".Things become mea=
ningful to you,even you are unable to scientifically define such a mystical=
feeling.This meaningfulness of reality is a very interesting phenomenon fr=
om a scientific point of view as it seems to show that there exists a "circ=
uit" of meaningfulness in our nervous system.Non-specific activation of thi=
s circuit,under Gamma-OH,would give us a "deep" sense of "meaningfulness" w=
hich is,of course,imaginary.
L.Gamma-OH stimulates your recall abilities related to previous Gamma-OH ex=
perience.Each time you take Gamma-OH you can,often,remember very well memor=
ies stored under another Gamma-OH context.Emotions are,especially,well reme=
mbered and reexperienced.