Conference in Boston

cathy brewer cbrewer at helium.helios.nd.edu
Fri May 10 22:30:00 EST 1996

The 1996 ASAP Conference is being held in Boston this yr.
American Syringomyelia Alliance Project
June 20, 21, 22, 1996
Colonial Hilton & Resort
Rt.128 and 95, 1 Audubon Rd.
Wakefield, MA 01880-1298
Shuttle service is 17.00 or 32.00 RT from Logan Airport
The service is by reservation only call 1-800-633-6220
Further info and conf rates and room rates can be obtained by 
calling ASAP 
Patricia Williams
(903) 236-7079

Our goal is to find a cure . We need all the ppl and help we can get.
Thank you.
Cathy M. Chenez-Brewer

    "It is the weak who are cruel. Gentleness
     can only be expected from the strong."
********************cbrewer at stravinsky.helios.nd.edu**********************


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