Q: Cellular basis of sensorimotor rhythms

Administrador del Nodo Postmaster at neubio.sld.ar
Fri May 10 23:34:53 EST 1996

Hello, netters!

                Epycycles built a wonderful tool, since Ptolomaeus
down until Fourier transforms. In 1906 Christfried Jakob published 
his model of reverberating interferences of macro- and microcircuits,
we still use (since the '60 with the more modern label of hologra-
phic-holophonic models) to explain the structural formation of ele-
mentary contents, then interactive and integrated into a psychophy-
sical system.  Circuits were conceived as chemical, on T.R. Elliot
peripheral models of 1904/5, and in 1988 we explored their harmonics
at extremely low amplitudes in the 80 to 100,000 Hz range, but infla-
tion prevented us to improve our s/n ratio and the official project
was stopped.  

                 Then I found most fecond Ron Blue's conjecture for
carrier and carried EEG waves, in whose context I cannot resist to
publish my appetite for other labs' results in those EEG ranges. 

                 Can any reader point to appropriate refs?


                                        Prof. Mariela Szirko
                                        postmaster at neubio.sld..ar                                     

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