In article <Pine.3.89.9605101224.H33-0100000 at>, Ron Blue (rcb1 at LEX.LCCC.EDU) writes:
>On Fri, 10 May 1996, G K GRAY wrote:
>> Dear Ron;
>>>> Have you any references to the work of Luca Turin concerning
>> *different* odours specific to L vs. D enantiomers?
>No, but it is NOW on my MUST read list!
>> On 27 Nov.
>> last year the BBC "Horizon" program was devoted to his experiments
>> and discoveries in this field. He was able to produce scents judged
>> identical by expert perfumers by adding precisely
>> measured amounts of *seemingly* irrelevant substances to the D
>> enantiomers.
>This is exactly what I am interested in!
>> He states - "In the mint carvone you don't smell the
>> carbon-oxygen vibration because the molecule sits in the wrong
>> orientation to the receptor. So the prediction from this is that if
>> I added back that vibration to the mint carvone, I should get the
>> caraway smell. So what I needed was a molecule that would supply
>> the missing vibration - at 1800. I looked around, and several
>> molecules have that vibration, among which are acetone, which is
>> really nail varnish remover, and other analogues of acetone like
>> butanone, and pentanone, wjich also smells like nail varnish
>> remover, and is the one I eventually settled on. So what I did was
>> to add increasing amounts of pentanone to the mint carvone until at
>> a particular proportion - 3:2 in this case - I got a very
>> distinctive caraway smell". He continues by telling about going to
>> expert perfumers in Paris for the crucial test by which the theory
>> would stand or fall. It stood.
>> As I don't understand the frequency calibration (at 1800 in
>> this case) the original report(s) may be needed. Can this fit
>> somehow to your 20hz basic frequency?
>YES. The carrier wave is 20hz. The right combination signature would be
>the transmition of high frequency oscilation. Glad to hear the work has
>all ready been DONE!
>> All this seems to converge on what I would call a "pure
>> wave" theory of matter and the universe, on which Physics seems now
>> to be moving. It was 65 or more years ago that I first met this
>> wave concept of matter in writing by H.P. Blavatsky (died 1891
>> sic!). As I see this today, it indicates a need for a full
>> reconsideration of what we mean by "Causality" in the context. Was
>> it something like this you had in mind when you indicated
>> disagreement with my statement that a circuit for detecting the
>> position of a sound source is the *cause* of the entrainment at
>> 4hz?
>>If so it is a fine point, being what has been called an
>> *efficient* or *primary* cause, not the global or encompassing
>> kind of cause that a thorough-going wave-theory would imply.
>yes. But it is FUN! Thanks for the feedback. Ron Blue
>rcb1 at>>>> Cheers! Gord
>>>Reply to; gord at
Sorry I don't have Luca's address - email or snail.
However, Dr. Mike Marron at the Office of Naval Research,
Washington D.C. should be able to oblige - he had a generous hand
in the research.