On 9 May 1996, Administrador del Nodo wrote:
> I found most stimulating your conjecture
> that the rhythms mentioned in your posting of today are
> "carriers". Though your correlation-opponent metaphor I
> can only read biochemically (as mere selection of tools
> to revert a reaction shift)
To be honest with you I do not understand HOW a major shift in my
thinking occurred. I also think in biochemically models.
Matter can be concrete and real but it also acts AS IF it was
a wave form. For example, a tube with laser light running through
it will CONDUCT ordinary matter as a WAVE. So from the simple
beginning of accepting that matter can act as a wave lead to
some interesting areas. The actually concept of the carrier
comes from the neuro net people see Lisman and Idiart (1995, March 10)
Science. They found by modeling short-term memory they could encode
information of high frequency cycles into low frequency cycles. Based
on my knowledge of wavelets this made me realize ULTIMATELY that
the reported associations of specific frequencies were carrier waves.
Oscillating systems exhibit certain characteristic REGARDLESS of HOW
the oscillation is occuring. So you can have a oscillator using
neurotransmitter chemicals and defusion chemicals, i.e. NO, that act as
an oscillator.
> and its connection with the
> "carrier" concept eludes me, this last impresses me as
> valuable in itself. We made before several attempts in
> high-frequency EEG.
The high-frequency eeg reading should be the INFORMATION of a stimulation
encoded into a low-frequency carrier wave.
> So I would pray you for helping me
> to think the "carried" hfEEG and its experimental detec-
> tion (we tried to explore up to 100 kHz). Could you ela-
> borate it? My central interest is in any conveyed form
> that could behave as an onset phenomenon (of course!).
If the report of entrainment is true, this would be a very useful tool
for exploring the signal characteristics at hfEEG. Ron Blue
> Warm regards,
> Mariela
>> =*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=
> Prof. Mariela Szirko
>postmaster at neubio.sld..ar> =*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=