Conference Announcement

L.P.J.J. Noldus LNoldus at User.DiVa.NL
Fri May 10 08:19:14 EST 1996

                 *** Conference Announcement ***

International Workshop on Methods and Techniques in Behavioral
16-18 October 1996
Utrecht, The Netherlands

(The information below is also available on the World Wide Web:

Workshop Objectives

The last decade has seen a great deal of advancement in methods for
the collection and analysis of behavioral data. Paper and pencil
methods have been replaced by computer event recorders. We can now
integrate observational data with physiological measurements and
input from other sensors. With the advent of digital image processing
and pattern recognition, will human observers become redundant?
Automated systems are highly time-saving and more consistent in their
operation than humans, but they can generate more data than any
observer can ever register manually. How do we keep this information
flow under control? What are the true benefits from these automated
methods? Given that human observers and automated systems each have
their advantages and drawbacks, which recording procedure is best for
a given behavioral paradigm? Where are we heading for, and what can
we expect in the future?

Interactive Forum

In order to provide an interactive forum to discuss these exciting
aspects of our research field, we are organizing an international
workshop around this theme. The meeting is co-organized by Utrecht
University and Noldus Information Technology, manufacturer of
software and instrumentation for behavioral research. Utrecht
University and Noldus have a history of collaboration which
illustrates that modern behavioral research cannot do without
adequate technology, while software and instrumentation companies
need to listen closely to the needs and wishes of their customers. An
example is the Eureka project in which Utrecht University, Noldus and
several European pharmaceutical companies participate. This project
is aimed at the design of techniques for computer-aided recognition
of behavioral patterns, in order to automate behavioral tests in the
development of new drugs. The first spin-off of this project is the
EthoVision system, which is quickly gaining ground as a standard
instrument for behavioral research.

Bridges Between Disciplines

The diversity of behavioral research makes it a very exciting market.
The development of generic software tools can form a bridge between
disciplines, which are often unaware of techniques already available
in other fields. Thus, we have noticed that data analysis methods
stemming from ethology are now being used by applied psychologists,
and that path analysis techniques originally designed by
entomologists are equally useful for behavioral pharmacologists
studying rodents. Along this line, we hope that Measuring Behavior
'96 will serve as a common ground for crossfertilization of
behavioral research disciplines. This is the first time that this
workshop will be held - we hope that your response is such that it
can become a periodic event!


* Innovative Methods and Applications
This refers to plenary sessions in which delegates present new
methods and techniques for behavioral research, or innovative
applications of existing techniques. Examples of topics are
experimental design, data collection (new sensors, telemetry systems,
animal marking techniques, observational methods, sampling methods,
etc.), data analysis (integration of different data streams,
statistics, data visualization, etc.), validation of a computer
program for a particular behavioral paradigm, etc.

You may submit a proposal for a presentation in one of the following
formats: oral paper, poster or demonstration. The presentations are
grouped in three main methodological areas:

- Direct Observation: manual scoring of behavior, coding of video
tapes, analysis of social interactions and complex ethograms.

- Automated Observation: automatic recording of movement and
behavioral patterns, analysis of simple ethograms.

- Behavior and Physiology: acquisition and integrated analysis of
behavioral events, physiological signals and other data streams.

* User Meeting

These sessions aim to provide a forum in which users of Noldus
- exchange information and experiences with fellow users,
- learn about the latests product developments,
- view prototypes of new products, and
- discuss product development, release schedules, installation and
support procedures, etc.

* Technical Assistance, Training and Demonstrations

Throughout the workshop, engineers and consultants will be present
to provide free assistance and training in the use of software
products for behavioral research.

* Scientific Tours

The workshop program includes two short tours of Utrecht University's
new animal research facilities:

- Rudolf Magnus Institute. The institute has recently moved into the
newly built "Stratenum". The tour will take you to the animal
housing, surgical facilities and observation rooms. There will be
live demonstrations of different experimental setups.

- Ethology Station. For those studying primates, this tour is a must.
It takes you to the animal facilities, with indoor and outdoor
enclosures, which house several large colonies of Java monkeys.

Confirmed Speakers

- V. Baumans (Department of Laboratory Animal Science, Utrecht
University, Utrecht, NL)

- A.R. Cools (Department of Psychoneuropharmacology, Catholic
University of Nijmegen, Nijmegen, NL)

- J.M. Koolhaas (Department of Animal Physiology, University of
Groningen, Groningen, NL)

- J. Mos (Department of CNS Pharmacology, Solvay Duphar B.V., Weesp,

- M. Oitzl (Department of Medical Pharmacology, University of Leiden,
Leiden, NL)

- F. Sams-Dodd (Pharmacological Research Department, H. Lundbeck A/S,
Copenhagen, Denmark)

- B.M. Spruijt (Rudolf Magnus Institute for Neurosciences, Utrecht
University, Utrecht, NL)

- F.J. van der Staay (Department of Gerontopharmacology, Troponwerke
GmbH & Co., Cologne, Germany)

- H. de Vries (Projectgroup Ethology and Socio-Ecology, Utrecht
University, Utrecht, NL)

- H.A. van de Weerd (Department of Laboratory Animal Science, Utrecht
University, Utrecht, NL)


Registration fee*
Before 1 August 1996: NLG 200; (students**: NLG 50)
After 1 August 1996: NLG 300; (students: NLG 75)
Workshop banquet: NLG 75
City tour:  NLG 40

* The fee includes lunches and refreshments during breaks.
Those who cannot afford the registration fee are kindly requested to
present a motivated request for a reduced fee to the Local
Organizing Committee at the address below.

** Proof of student status (photocopy of valid student ID card or
letter from the Head of Department) must be included with the
registration form.


Submission of Abstracts

Those who wish to present an oral paper, poster or demonstration
should submit the title and abstract of their contribution. All
submissions should be received before 1 May 1996. The Program
Committee reserves the right to reject submissions which do not fit
in the workshop theme or which are of insufficient quality.


1 May 1996: Submission of abstracts
1 July 1996: Notification of acceptance of abstracts
1 August 1996: Latest date for early registration fee
16 October 1996: Start of workshop


Program Committee
- Berry Spruijt, Utrecht University, Utrecht, The Netherlands (chair)
- Jan Mos, Solvay Duphar b.v., Weesp, The Netherlands
- Lucas Noldus, Noldus Information Technology b.v., Wageningen, The
- Frank Sams-Dodd, H. Lundbeck A/S, Copenhagen, Denmark
- Franz-Joseph van der Staay, Troponwerke GmbH & Co., Cologne,

For program booklet and registration/abstract forms:

Measuring Behavior '96
Workshop Secretariat
Attn: Rosan Nikkelen
P.O. Box 268
6700 AG Wageningen
The Netherlands
Phone: +31-(0)317-497677
Fax: +31-(0)317-424496
E-mail: mb96 at noldus.nl

Measuring Behavior '96 has its own homepage on the WWW:
The information there is continuously updated. You can also register

Workshop Site

Rudolf Magnus Institute for Neurosciences
Utrecht University
Universiteitsweg 100
3584 CG Utrecht
The Netherlands
Phone: +31-(0)30-2538800
Fax: +31-(0)30-2539032

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