Lars Schuster lars at intellektik.informatik.th-darmstadt.de
Fri May 10 09:16:57 EST 1996

Visit the homepage of the NeuroCup '96 and 
join the neural network contest at the KI-96 !

The task is to write an algorithm based on neural-networks that steers
a simulated sail-boat in an enviroment to several goals. Multiple
network architectures will compete within the simulation. The network
that steers its boat to the final goal first, will be the winner.
Prizes will be given to the three best architecture designers. The
first winner will also be given the possibility to publish his
algorithm within the procedings of the Neuro-Workshop.

Further informations :

Homepage of the contest      : http://kirmes.inferenzsysteme.informatik.th-darmstadt.de/~chris/nn/NeuroCup96.html
Mailaddress of the organizer : schuster at rbg.informatik.th-darmstadt.de

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