Patrick patrick at howard.genetics.utah.edu
Fri May 10 00:12:37 EST 1996

On Thu, 9 May 1996, Richard Kondo wrote:

> Patrick wrote:
> unless there is a transport mechanism.  Transport mechanisms are 
> saturable, which means there is a maximum amount of substrate 
> (scientific jargon for stuff) which can be moved across the membrane in 

Based on your post which mentioned 50% uptake of a 1.5g dose, then it
would appear (if true) that if you wish to take up 1g or more per day,
then you should do so in 500mg doses spaced throughout the day. 

> > Perhaps it is acting as a free radical scavenger?
> 	Ascorbate is an anti-oxidant (oxygen free radical scavenger), 
> and its putative protective effect may function in this fashion.

It can also act as a free radical inducer if it is in high concentration 
in the presence of iron.  It can convert free iron III into iron II which 
is quite good at producing hydroxyl radicals and lipid peroxy radicals.

Be careful with iron supplements when megadosing on vit C (?)

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