Patrick Salsbury pats at sco.com
Thu May 9 19:28:06 EST 1996

In article <31922474.1D59 at ephys.ucla.edu> Richard Kondo <rkondo at ephys.ucla.edu> writes:

-	It may reduce the oxidation of LDL, a process which promotes the 
-development of atherosclerotic lesions, for example, and thus protect 
-people from myocardial infarction.  But, again, it needs to be absorbed 
-into the body.  The AHFS (American Hospital Formulary Service) drug 
-information book states that diarrhea may occur at oral doses of 1g/day.  
-It, moreover, quotes an unnamed study which observed 50% absorption of a 
-single 1.5g oral dose in normal subjects.
-Richard Kondo
-Cardiovascular Research Lab

	I currently take 1-2g of Vit. C orally each day, and have taken 3g on
occaision. No diarrhea problems. I've heard from personal sources and that
Pauling also stated diarrhea problems may actually start at the 6g+/day
dosage. Your milage may vary. 

	  Patrick Salsbury 	                            SCO
	Voice: 408-427-7076	                     400 Encinal Street 
        email: pats at sco.com		            Santa Cruz, CA 95060
  http://seneca.sco.com/pat.html		     FAX: 408-429-1887

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