On Sun, 5 May 1996, Jeffrey N. Browndyke wrote:
> Unlike those www pages backed by corporate sponsors, there are some
> that are free, open to all...
> One of those sites is "Neuropsychology Central."
Dear Jeffrey and others in the neuropsychology community:
The neuroscience community is being much misused -- and I'm sure this
is no surprise to most people -- by the drug industry. Making it worse,
psychiatric drugs are at times being given forcibly, and coercively;
frequently they are given without full informed consent.
YOU can help break the silence. Please pass the word about the
BRAIN BOYCOTT. This is an attempt to increase dialogue on these
issues, and hopefully add levity to this heavy issue.
Here's the URL. Please add it to your links, and pass it on:
Thanks. I'm co-coordinator of a 37 group alliance, Support Coalition.
We're totally independent. This is my 20th year as an advocate in
this field.
In support & struggle, David Oaks <dendron at efn.org>
Support Coalition, Co-Coordinator / Dendron News, Editor
PO Box 11284 Eugene, Oregon 97440-3484 USA
Web site: http://www.efn.org/~dendron/
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