Brit Psych wrote:
>> Can anyone give me any information on the purpose and meaning of coherence
> analysis in EEG recordings? There does not seem to be that much
> information available on it. Has anyone found any interesting results,
> especially in relation to cognitive process such as attention?
There has been quite a bit of work on EEG coherence in schizophrenic
subjects and subjects with different types of dementia. For the
classic papers on EEG coherence, see Thatcher (1986 I believe) in
the EEG Journal. In addition, Newton, Leuchter et al have done some
work in EEG coherence in dementia (MID, DAT, AIDS). With any luck,
you'll also be able to look up a paper I just submitted to the
EEG Journal on coherence in HIV infection.
I'm not aware of much work on coherence in cognitive processing,
but there was a poster presented at this year's cognitive neuroscience
society meeting in San Francisco entitled "Neuronal synchronization
between temporal and parietal cortex during semantic integration in
man: an EEG coherence study" by A von Stein and H Petsche from the
Institute of Neurophysiology at the University of Vienna and the
Neuroscience Institute in San Diego. I don't know if it's published,
but I'd be happy to send you the abstract.
Good luck!
Dan Fletcher
SFVA Medical Center
Psychiatry Research