Genetic neurite growth assay

Chung Bryan T 3btc at qlink.queensu.ca
Thu May 9 20:14:59 EST 1996

I am using pc12 cells and NGF to induce neurite growth. Currently, a 
neurite growth assay involves using cells from a chick embryo and measuring
growth "manually" as it were. However, it may be possible to quantify 
growth using competitive PCR and pc12 cells. The problem is that I 
haven't found any good genetic indicators for growth. Does anyone have 
any references for any genes that have been linked to neurite growth in 
pc12 cells? Does anyone know if a genetic "cascade" has been elucidated 
for pc12's yet either? Reponse by personal email is appriciated.


3btc at Qlink.QueensU.CA

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