receptors on COS cell membrane

:-Peter obrien at pharm.med.upenn.edu
Thu May 9 09:48:53 EST 1996

In article <juhnn-0905961423450001 at>, juhnn at plaza.snu.ac.kr

@--> Colleagues,
@--> I am planning to work on signal transduction with COS-1 cell line.
@--> I need to know what kinds of membrane receptors are endogeneously
@--> expressed on this cell line or COS-7 cells.
@--> I would be grateful, if you can tell me the expressed receptor types and
@--> the related reference by e.mail.
@--> My address is juhnn at plaza.snu.ac.kr
@--> Thank you.

Along those lines, can anyone explain the difference between COS-1 and
COS-7 cells?  I'm especially interested in receptors and signalling

Still Trying to Avoid the Drunk Monkey


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