Neurofibromatosis support ?

Mark A Vivino mvivino at helix.nih.gov
Thu May 9 07:29:40 EST 1996

In article <4mo2lg$2ng at news2.ee.net>, zgeist at mail.ee.net (Unknown) wrote:
> While this appears to be a newsgroup more concerned with the brain, I am 
> attempting to find a newsgroup or support group for people with 
> neurofibromatosis.  Can anyone in this NG assist me ?

Here are several links perhaps of interest to you:

National Neurofibromatosis Foundation
NINDS Neurofibromatoses info page

Mark Vivino                       National Institutes of Health
Biomedical Engineer               DCRT/CBEL/IPRS, 12A/2033 
mvivino at helix.nih.gov             Bethesda, MD 20892-5624

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