In article <318E9B47.285B at>,
John E. Kuslich <johnk at> wrote:
>Bert Gold wrote:
>> <<<<SNIP>>>
>> And yet, this week, fully 18 years after the memorable talk by
>> Szent-Gyorgyi which I just described, the Vitamin C RDA for men
>> has been adjusted three-fold upward.
>> It makes me wonder at the brazen inefficiency of the research
>> 'establishment'...
>Chaos theory eliminated any hope of long term weather prediction, and
>yet we still have "researchers" at major universities doing computer
>simulation of weather.
That we cannot predict the precise time at which rain will start, or
things to that effect, does not mean that we cannot learn by judicious
use of simulation. Choas theory tells us that exactly what will happen
is very sensitive to initial conditions, but that we cannot tell exactly
where that tornado will strike is no reason not to give a tornado warning.
Herman Rubin, Dept. of Statistics, Purdue Univ., West Lafayette IN47907-1399
hrubin at Phone: (317)494-6054 FAX: (317)494-0558