Lidocaine neural infusion, long term effects?

Mike Christie psyc002 at psyc.canterbury.ac.nz
Wed May 8 18:20:13 EST 1996

We're currently considering the possability of infusing lidocaine (hydrochloride) 
into rat brains for long term supression of localised neural structures (dorsal 
caudate and hippocampas). In this case long term could range from 3 to 30 
days. What we need to know is what are the likely consequences of such long 
term infusion. Specifically; will the lidocaine continue to function effectively for 
that length of time (how long is too long?), will long term exposure produce side 
effects (eg. cell death, if so what period is 'safe'), will the cells recover normally 
after long term exposure, what is the possability of colateral (antereograde, 
retrograde) influence/damage, etc?

Any information at all would be greatly appreciated, as would any pointers for 
finding any information.


Mike Christie
Psyc. Dept.
Univ. Canterbury
New Zealand

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