
Dirk Van Oekelen dvoekele at janbe.jnj.com
Wed May 8 01:48:58 EST 1996

Does anyone know if there exist yet an effective antisense 
oligonucleotide targeted to the rat 5HT2A, 5HT2C and 5HT7 receptor? Maybe 
any of you guys might give me some information about testing the 
effectiveness of antisense oligo's against such receptors. I could try 
ligand binding assays but this seems rather complicated (to far away from 
the real process). I really want to show an antisense effect and I must 
distinguish antisense effects from other effects such as up- and 
downregulation, sequestration, toxicity...

Thanks anyway

Dirk Van Oekelen
tel:00 33(0)14 60 27 13
fax:00 33(0)14 60 53 80
email:dvoekele at janbe.jnj.com

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