Anti-anosmia drug? (fwd)

Ron Blue rcb1 at LEX.LCCC.EDU
Wed May 8 11:13:07 EST 1996

Please reply to Dr. Kendal-Reed.

---------- Forwarded message ----------
Date: Wed, 08 May 1996 10:55:40 -0400
From: Dr. Martin Kendal-Reed <kendalr at gibbs.oit.unc.edu>
To: chemsenseslist at wfu.edu
Subject: Anti-anosmia drug?

Dear All,
	One of my anosmic subjects tells me that he has read an article 
(source unknown) that claims restoration of olfactory ability in over 40% 
of cases.  This sounds too good to be true, but the drug in question 
(phosphatidylcholine) is new to me.  Anyone know anything about this?  
Thanks, Martin K-R.
Dr. Martin Kendal-Reed
UNC Cranio-Facial Center, University of North Carolina,
Chapel Hill, NC 27599-7450 USA
Tel. (919) 966-1363.  Fax. (919) 966 6185.

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