I agree that the priorities may need a little adjusting and that the
research funding process is not perfect. Since human health and
well-being is such an important (and expensive) activity one would
think that it would get top priority. Oh well.
For what it's worth, let me share what I have found by trial and error.
I live in Atlanta which is an area not particularly friendly to allergy
sufferers. For 20 years, I would get respiratory problems two times a
year (spring and fall) that would start with sore throat, coughing,
sometimes leading to runny nose, watery eyes, occasionally sinus
problems, etc. The Drs would inevitably prescribe an antibiotic and
maybe cough syrup (if cough was a problem), Seldane, pseudephedrine
hydrochloride (wasn't good for my BP), or whatever.
Well, last year, I had enough of this crap. No fault of the Drs, but I
decided to try vit C. Starting with 1000mg dose (500mg twice a day)
last fall and now am down to 500mg once a day. The usual fall and spring
resp. problems never appeared. I got a few sniffles, but *nothing*
compared to what I usually get. No change in work conditions, same
house, same car, etc. Only significant change (besides another yr older
and a raise :-) ), is the vit C. Coincidence? I think not.
Bottom line is, I think the RDA is totally out of whack. There needs to
be a *lot* more research done with vitamins in general and focus
on what it takes to make people function properly, rather than try
to fix what's broken. Seems I remember an adage:
An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure.
How true.
Mike Pitcher
email: mp at eng.tridom.com