looking for book on rat brain

Ricky Cohen rcohen at aecom.yu.edu
Tue May 7 08:31:53 EST 1996

I am looking for a book on rat brain development that would have 
information concerning the following
1) development of white/grey matter areas
with relation to...
2) development of cholinergic (muscarinic) neural pathways
3) development of adrenergic (alpha and beta) nerual pathways.

I need the information for my thesis. I am proposing that acetylcholine 
and noradrenalin have an effect on glial cells pre and post myelination.
I need the information to show that oligodendrocyte precursors migrate 
alone these tracts (cholinergic and adrenergic).  In vitro, the precursor 
cells express, and in highly purified myelin, muscarinic an adrenergic 
receptors, are found !  So maybe there is a function.  

Thanx for the information !

Rick Cohen

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