Scott Russell srussell at ou.edu
Tue May 7 13:54:37 EST 1996

In article <318E9B47.285B at indirect.com>,
   "John E. Kuslich" <johnk at indirect.com> wrote:
>Bert Gold wrote:
>> <<<<SNIP>>>
>> And yet, this week, fully 18 years after the memorable talk by
>> Szent-Gyorgyi which I just described, the Vitamin C RDA for men
>> has been adjusted three-fold upward.
>> It makes me wonder at the brazen inefficiency of the research
>> 'establishment'...
>> Bert Gold
>> San Francisco
>> References
><<<further SNIP>>
>Just look at research on "Cold Fusion", "Global Warming", and "The Ozone 
>Hole" for further examples of the poor quality of some recent so-called 
>scientific research.  
>Chaos theory eliminated any hope of long term weather prediction, and 
>yet we still have "researchers" at major universities doing computer 
>simulation of weather.  
>Modern science has gone "politically correct"; look at the reaction to 
>that book entitled "The Bell Curve".  It was widely renounced by many 
>so-called scientists who never took the time to read it!!!
>Oh well...
>John E. Kuslich

Now wait a minute.  

(1) None of the topics in the first paragraph have been eliminated as 
possibilities, the first two are just not supported by sufficient evidence to 
warrant the conclusions that were made.

  (2) That weather is ultimately unpredictable does not mean that extending 
forecasts is not useful.  Chaos theory indicated that predicting the behavior 
of self-iterating systems using incomplete data can be expected to be 
unsuccessful over the course of a certain amount of time.

  (3) "The Bell Curve" received almost unanimous negative reviews from 
scientists because measuring intelligence was treated as if: (a) we knew what 
intelligence was; (b) we could measure it reproducibly and accurately; and (c) 
that it is possible to any of this in a culturally neutral manner.  Most were 
unimpressed by the numerous charts and graphs because underlying them, the 
science was weak and the "parameters" were meaningless.  If the IQ test 
measures anything, it measures the ability of people to take IQ tests, and it 
is not even entirely reliable for that.  Given the absence of compelling data, 
the book has a pernicious effect on society and its conclusions ignore 
too many societal effects on those measured.  The use of "science" to achieve 
social ends based on race should doomed to fail because, this approach like 
Nazi "science," is not based on a single uncontested fact.

Scott D. Russell                     Internet:  srussell at ou.edu
Dept of Botany & Microbiology      ->http://www.ou.edu/cas/botany-micro/
 & Noble Electron Microscopy Lab   ->http://www.ou.edu/research/electron/
University of Oklahoma, Norman OK    Phone:  1-405-325-6234
 73019-0245   USA                    FAX:    1-405-325-7619


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