On 30 Apr 1996, Laurie Davison wrote:
> I suppose I should clarify what I'm after. I need to know whether
> bromocriptine or other D2 agonists (or antagonists, for that matter) can
> stimulate GnRH release. I am aware that both the Ant. Pituitary and
> Median eminence lie outside the barrier, but I need to be sure that the
> agonist I use will reach the hypothalamus itself. Since dopamine does not
> cross the barrier, this is a concern.
> By the way, Chana... you're 16? Wow! I'm in awe! :)
Clinicians give bromocriptine to lower prolactin levels when a woman
needs to stop milk production after pregnancy, or for tumors that produce
or respond to prolactin in both men and women. It is assumed, although
maybe not proven, that DA is PIH (prolactin-inhibiting hormone). I
forget WHERE this antagonism takes place, although I believe it's high on
the hypothalamic/pituitary axis, if not IN the hypothalamus. Hope this
helps :)
sandraw at U.Arizona.EDU